6/25発売予定【ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト】久慈川りせ(CV.釘宮理恵)

6/25発売予定、PlayStation®Vita専用ソフト「ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト」久慈川りせ(くじかわ りせ)のキャラクタームービーです。

  1. People keep telling me that this game might put stuff you might not imagined… and I really can't see what… like Kanami being a goddess or Nyarly being behind the dance floor or Mark is plotting something… this game won't have a good story… Calling it a prediction.

    Really P4 saga never added anything to the Persona universe story… not even a new concept (if you can call Teddie a concept and even if he is it's meaningless one). P1 to P3 added millions of stuff an the Tatsuya Scenario even more. P4 kinda runs on the same rails as P3 on terms of plot key points.
    I thought Arena was good… Ultimax was really bad.

    I really don't understand why people like P4 that much. I understand that the light hearted nature and lively characters are a nice break from the drama but the plot is repetitive, an awful last boss (as character), a not even a serial killer, Marie, characters that are very weak willed (except Kanji, Naoto, Dojima and Nanako), no one of importance died to make you feel that the killings are a huge threat… a reporter that we never know and a teenage chick that was kinda bitchy, no development on the plot… just SL and freaking months full of no plot after you save someone… just save them and NOPE can't remember.

    I really don't understand why it's regarded as the best thing ever… be all light hearted but give me a good plot, please. And P4G added more to the no new concept at all thing.
    At least P4 is a fun game with good replayability.

  2. i dont know why i dont like rise voice on japan ( its taiga from toradora ) but i dont like for rise i love way more the english voice  and for nanako i like the japanese voice over the english

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