1. BIGHIT's Bang shi Hyuk once said, that "the members of TVXQ (Hero (Jaejoong), uknow (Yunho) , Xiah (junsu), Max(Changmin), micky (yoochun) are the perfect kpop idol group of all era." . And he was absolutely right. They are just too perfect. Talent wise (they can even do acappella on the spot!) appearance wise, personalities. Work ethics. But the only thing that isnt perfect is the company they belong to- SM ENTERTAINMENT. its the company and the members who clashed with each other that the perfect group ended up disbanding. Sigh. 2009 was such a painful year, that the government mandate the laws for the kpop idols and their companies to change the year of contract from only 5 years to 7 years. Thats why all the idols debuted from 2009 upto now 2020 has a 7 years official contract. And its upon the artist to extend or withdraw his/her contract after 7 years. Before, artist has no choice after 5 years, its either they are discarded mercilessly after 5 years. Or forcefully signed a contract for not 5 but 10 years.(which happens to tvxq members bec within 5 years – they are such a phenomena sm couldnt possibly let them go that easily.) but alas, 10 years is too much. Considering how sm has been handling their artists, 10 years is definitely too much. Also, its not like they have a brotherly bond like BTS. They seem close too but professionally close. You know those things like colleagues at work. Yeah. So the separation to each other is not that big of a deal, considering they are cheering each other's works now. (Well aside from the few scandals) i think the member who shines the most after this separation was Xiah Junsu. Hell, even if he didnt do promotion much at that time, he was selling dome concerts inside and outside korea. Yunho and changmin are at peace with SM considering, they are still signed to them upto now, jaejoong is in and out if the game for quite sometime, he pops up and next he was gone( something like that lol) and.. im sad that yoochun is involved in alot of scandals. Seriously, tho what happened boi?. But over all, i think the term there is no such thing as perfect is exactly what TVXQ is. No matter how perfect it is, there will always be the dark side. I also think, one of the reason why BTS Reaches the milestone that no other kpop idol group has, is that BTS is very, very very well balanced. They balanced each other out. Even until now, i always wonder what ifTVXQhad a different company instead of Sm? Just like BTS if they werent under Bighit? Then i realize, TVXQ wouldnt be as it is, if they all didnt meet each other under in the same company. And BTS wouldnt be BTS if they all didnt intersect their destinies under Bighit. Its just, one is too perfect but too unlucky. And the other is full of struggle and full of adversities and yet, they make each other stronger to reach the top. They arent perfect at the start but they have extreme luck to be able to meet those different people and achieve something great.. i think its a very great lesson comparing the 2. I learned alot.

  2. I never appreciated it before because I don’t know much about him, but if this is any indication he really paved the way for people like Taemin to experiment with gender boundaries in clothing and choreography, this is ahead of its time.

  3. Junsu really is a one of a kind. He probably the most well rounded in singing & dancing in Kpop. His vocal and dance abilities can put him as main vocal as well as main dancer in any group.There are few other male vocalists who are as good or better in singing but i doubt they are able to pull off this kind of performance with very fast and difficult choreo while singing(with lots of high notes on top of that)at same time, ALONE, not in group. Let alone to hold solo concert like this with lots of fast song with difficult choreo comparable to this song.

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