Russian State Media About WAR IN UKRAINE

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10 months ago Russia invaded Ukraine. I was making updates on what’s happening in Russia all this time, and in today’s video we’ll talk about how Russian state media is portraying the war in Ukraine (what they generally tell Russian people about Ukraine).

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00:00 Intro
01:19 Key outcomes after watching Russian TV
03:48 Masterworks
05:07 The craziest episode from the news
06:50 The “funnies” episode from the news
07:38 Key outcomes after reading online news
09:31 Finding comments on Russian Youtube
10:44 Merry Christmas!

  1. We live in a world where it's hard to know what to believe. Russia is not the only country to use propaganda. Most major countries around the world, and main stream news media use propaganda. There are some good news agencies, but not everyone has the sense to be able to find them, and they are suppressed. The United States has had it's share of problems recently with elections and Covid. What was being reported on the liberal mainstream news media wasn't always true. News agencies report what they want the public to believe. It takes someone with a healthy amount of objectivity to sort through it all and figure out what is actually real. It's a sad situation. Basically, governments around the world are liars. Social media and the Internet has allowed common every day people to reach out to one another to share what they are aware of. It's nice to hear the perspective of people around the world, and know that not all of them believe the nonsense that is being spoon fed to us every day through news media. I enjoy watching your channel. I'm glad you got out of Russia safely. I watched a video this morning by Russell Brand where he was talking about the military industrial complex in the United States. He says they don't want the war to end because they are making millions of dollars on weapons. Guess who is paying for all of that ? The United Sates tax payers. They will get tired of that eventually. I'm sure the corrupt Joe Biden family is skimming money off of those weapons sales as well. What a world we live in. I don't like to think about it too much because I get annoyed with it all. We have to try to find happiness in life. Have a Merry Christmas !

  2. Ukraine leader was in the USA and said in his speech '' we won the war to get people to believe and support us now with weapons we can finish it'' or something like this but clearly he said the propaganda news the US and UN is telling the world is working and people think Russian is the bad guy,
    If there was any doubt as to who attacked who its becoming clear Russia is under attack they are not the attacker
    If Russia just wipes out Ukraine and ends the war we all know the US and the UN will fire everything they have at Russia
    This is like a school fight where you have a group of boys telling the restarted kid to fight Bob and when Bob starts to fight back the gang will step in and beat up Bob and say we are just trying to help poor Jimmy.

  3. Hi Niki
    Thank you for you work and Merry Christmas!! I also love that you have enough gumption to say these things. I also like that you are so calm in your analysis. Do you listen to Denys Davydov ( Ukrainian ur tuber)?
    Ps I am listening from New Zealand and my name is Sharon Henderson) my husband is on the picture though.

  4. hey man i know your not asking for advice but you have a real good thing going about reporting on what russian news and whats going on in russia. how i started watching actually. What i would do is make this channel all about what works and is successful (reporting) and make another channel about your travels and whatever you want. best wiahes and hope your safe from the U.S. and keep up the good work.

  5. Niki you are a legend. I understand you need revenue to survive and set up a future, but something like Masterworks looks incredibly dodgy to me and the last thing you want to risk in accepting certain sponsors is your credibility because that is your true currency in this channel. I don't know anything about Masterworks, but seeing what they are about from the ad I'd not let them touch my money with a ten foot pole.

  6. My favorite quote from his speech to congress was: In two days we will celebrate Christmas by candlelight, not because it is romantic but because millions will have no power, heat, or running water. All of this is the result of Russian drone and missile attacks on our energy infrastructure but we do not complain. We do not judge whos life is easier. Your well being is a product of your national security, the result of your struggle for independence and your many victories. We Ukrainians will also go through our war of independence and freedom with dignity and success. ~ Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy to US Congress

  7. Niki, I love your channel with such interesting content. with regards to your home country and how it was chastised into SMO in Ukraine! I personally hate war but what about the USA, NATO and EU not forgetting my own country UK. however, the west has reneged on the Minsk agreement which was a move to allow NATO to expand around Russia and build the installation of military, weapons, and Missiles not forgetting Nuclear. I wonder how the USA would respond if Russia or China did the same on its borders! If you think Russian media has propaganda which I believe is true, I doubt it would compare to the Western mainstream media? for a balanced western (I'm sure you will appreciate it when supported with real sources and fact-based evidence!) view consider watching on YouTube The Duran, Redacted & The New Atlas or listen to freelance independent journalists who are actually in western Ukraine like Eva K Bartlett or Patrick Lancaster. Stay safe Niki and enjoy your travels.

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