テヨン – Taeyeon “I Love You” (2010) / 日本語歌詞字幕 ( オリジナル翻訳 ) / HQ SP REMAKE 2016 / P.N neo 2016

☆やっぱりテヨンは この歌なのよ☆
今ではちょっと古い? かもしれないけれど 
“良い歌” に 古いも新しいも 関係ないでしょ?☆
私達は特にそうなのよ yes!

☆.Please do not put this our video in video mix list ★
Because. We do not admited other bad or harmful, unskilled and irresponsible some Japanese translation and their videos on the net or this YOUTUBE. yes!

So, you know?
They can not understanded any song properly and has not that skills that translate words, finaly they have not such heart, too. That’s obvious.
in fact is, Their don’t have interest in song and are not such big fans from the beginning also. Is this our feel wrong?

Their Japanese translation is almost uninterpretable, with most lyrics are not connected meaning. and it’s disjointed. In addition, There are many words that wrong of the meaning. How is your feeling about that?

As a result that already song is not real her song.
So her song or heart and feelings do not come through to hearts of her fans of pure. They know that and not mind about it. why?

Because,… “Their true intention is not her or her song” “Their true aim is only sales their own name or just trying to show-off self such and it’s only for their purpose”. Is not so? It looks like that only.
Probably,They are also Japanese. but. their doing is…
The same as “make fool of her Japanese pure fans”.
We are not native of both countries but we can not forgive it. never and, forever.
Because, We love her and her this song purely. How’s your true heart feeling?
and, Will you be sad? If someone tell you a irresponsible her songs and if you or her love and heart will be betrayed by someone.
Are you feel that? As the same Japanese or especially to official people,too. 
We want to say it sincerity and I am very sad about it. yes.

“Slanderous word” it’s just can to say anyone, and, that is proof of stupidity also.
Dare to fair and prove it if there is an objection to this. in the same way of translation works. That’s “Proper translated lyrics with love and heart that made by yourself” it will not accept other than that.

If they will be able to so with love and heart just like us or common people, The world they live in becomes normal about that and will be better.
We want it to be that right way and belive it. And then we will disappear from this world on that time… That’s all of true us… yes. Thank you.

★ we prohibit all of shared with uptake of this video. so, That we say especially to video or MP3 download sites and individual. For your own sake you keep it and follow our warning. Otherwise, You will certainly regret it later. Thank you. -Project NIBIL neo 2016 GUARDIAN-

これは その方の 彼女への想い を含めた ”彼女への愛” 
“彼女を愛する全ての方への愛” なのよ
私達 Project NIBILのREMAKE動画は “決して自分達のためにあるものではない” わ

そうして これが 復活した私達 “Project NIBIL ORANGE” の
正真正銘の “love” 愛 これからの “heart” 形☆
こうした私達のこの愛は 心は 決して誰にも なにものにも負けない! never!!!☆
It’s us for real!! project NIBIL ORANGE Let’s GO!!☆

テヨンのこの曲はもなにも 彼女達の歌や曲は official のものを聴いてよね!  
☆Please you enjoy to her songs by official CD, we recommend and we also do that. Always.

  1. アイリス、アテナ好きからこちらにお邪魔しました。SNSDも好きだが、この曲本当に好きです人生、ファイティン

  2. 6年前初めて聴いた時、衝撃を受けました。

  3. She sings with such passion, she's so beautiful, she has such a lovely voice! She is in a league all by herself! Beautiful!!! Amazing!

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