ASH卒業生ファイル#1 – レジェンド達 (Perfume, Suzuka Nakamoto and Riho Sayashi… Graduates of ASH)

*English CC Available

#1 Talked about…
中元すず香 Suzuka Nakamoto (Babymetal)
鞘師里保 Riho Sayashi

#2 Juice=Juice 段原瑠々 (Ruru Dambara)→

#3 さくら学院 戸高美湖 (Miko Todaka)→

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  1. Had a little knowledge of ash because of Su and her sister and of course Riho and perfume. But still learning new things, keep up the good work. Look forward to watching your other videos.

  2. 少し前ですが鞘師さんのラジオにのっちさんが2人目か3人目のゲストで呼んで頂いて凄く嬉しかったです。鞘師さんのっちのことを大変建てて下さって、のっちも鞘師さんを「ポンコツ繋がり」などと打ち解けてて仲の良い発言をされててとてもほっこりしました。

  3. 姪っ子(13歳)が現在ASHに通ってます。STUか坂道グループに入りたいと言ってます。もしデビュー出来たら動画で紹介して下さい(笑)

  4. ASHは一地方のスクールなのに日本国内だけではなく世界で活躍している卒業生を輩出していてすごいですよね。姉妹といえばあ〜ちゃんとちゃあぽんの西脇姉妹もいますしね。ASHシリーズ楽しみです✨

  5. ダンス💃の鞘師、歌唱力の🎤の中元と、呼ばれていたそうですね。😊


  6. Hi Ai! Thank you. I'm anxiously awaiting your sequel for new information. Someday I hope to make a pilgrimage to Hiroshima and take a selfie in front of ASH. I've seen some. There's so much to do in Japan I've only made a pilgrimage to Shinmei Shrine. I once read a comment that Su and Riho once attended the same grade school. I don't know if it's true and they would not have been in the same class. I wonder if Su brought her to BM or if Mikiko did. Remember Mikiko also went to New York to train in hip hop dance. I'm glad you mentioned Himeka. I don't hear enough about her time at ASH.

  7. This is a great topic ! 🙂 Thank you for talking about it.

    Mikiko said in an interview: they wanted the Avengers to be those who had the same performance DNA (so those from ASH and SG both have/had similar training and/or worked with Mikiko before). Here is the part of translated interview with Mikiko from PMC Magazine Vol. 15 (from r/Babymetal on Reddit):

    PMC: Although they said in the interview for the PMC magazine (vol.13) that they were determined to keep going with the remaining two, the actual stage plan was not yet set at the time. In fact, it must have been an extremely rapid and radical development of things, from the day the new plan was decided—one of the three supporting members, “the Avengers”, performing in turns from show to show—until the date of actual live performance according to the plan. I can imagine that they met the challenge with quite a bit of determination and spirit.

    MIKIKOMETAL: You are right. It was incredible, wasn’t it?

    PMC: In order for them to be able to reach that level of quality performance at Yokohama, not only supporting dancers but also Mikiko-sensei who has experience of working under a tight schedule were invaluable, let alone the strong mind of the duo. The show became possible only because of the entire team, I think.

    MIKIKOMETAL: Well, it became possible because the new “Avenger” dancers spent a lot of meaningful time with the two, going the limit in discussing together. On top of that, in terms of understanding my choreography or capturing the “feel” of SU-METAL and MOAMETAL, the new dancers were successful because they shared this “DNA”(note: the original term MIKIKO uses), I suppose. Without the “DNA” it would not have worked out, and that is the conclusion I reached.

    PMC: Indeed, on the (note: Yokohama) stage, they instantly blew the audience’s anxiety away.

    MIKIKOMETAL: Yes, yes. Anxiety and ambivalence. They surely did blow them away.

    PS on my channel is a video of possible the first time Riho worked with Mikiko

  8. Hi Ai-chan! It seems you have touched on a hot topic! Yay! 😉 I can't wait to hear the rest of your series on this! Arigatou gozaimasu! 🔥🤘🦊😎🙏

  9. ぱふゅ〜む、鞘師里保、中元すず香😎


  10. 中元すず香と鞘師里保のASH時代比較


  11. 鞘師卒業の最後の公演


  12. That was very informative….Thankyou….Do you know if any of the graduated members return to the school to mentor the younger performers….Do Suzuka and Moa ever go back to Sakura Gakuin to help?

  13. BABYMETALを知り中元すず香ちゃんを好きになったきっかけがりほちゃんがBABYMETALで活動したのがきっかけで今まではハロ原理主義者と言ってもいいほどのハロヲタでした

  14. I was in Hiroshima on my Japan Journey in 2018. It is such a special place. Bombed in WWII but nowadays a vibrant city (I love the trams and the Okonomiyaki). But it is very special that right from this place some of the greatest names where born ( like Perfume and Babymetal and many other acts/bands) because of the existence of the Hiroshima Actors School. It is therefore that I have always a special place in my heart for this city.

  15. 3人かあ…瑠々ちゃんと美湖ちゃんは確定として、あと1人は誰だろう? ハロの研修生かな?

    在籍中に瑠々ちゃんと元さくらの愛莉鈴ちゃんとユニット組んでた石野理子ちゃんという逸材もいるんだけど、ハタチになったから違うか 次回も楽しみ

  16. 🎭 I'm going to guess that one of the ASH graduates you're going to talk about is only 14 years old. : )
    If the information I have is right, Riho entered ASH in 2004, MIKIKO left Hiroshima in 2005, and Su was admitted to ASH in 2006.
    MIKIKO created choreography for Perfume, even when she was in New York.
    Su's last performance at ASH was September 23rd, 2011. She moved to the Tokyo area with her Mom and Himeka after that.
    I don't know when Riho's last ASH performance was, although she debuted with Morning Musume at the beginning of 2011.

  17. Konnichiwa AI san 🙋‍♂️. Firstly, congratulations on reaching 3,000 subscribers! 🥂. Thank you for your video. I was unaware of how many talented artists had originated from ASH. Do you think Koba-metal had spotted Su-chan’s unique singing talents whilst she was at ASH, or when she joined Sakura Gakuin ? I’m not aware of any interview with Koba-metal where he mentions how he first spotted her. As Sakura Gakuin is finishing this year, do you think ASH will now take up the mantle of producing future stars! . Take care 🤘🦊🤘🇬🇧❤️🇯🇵

  18. ASH seems to be very important in the Japanese entertainment industry. Thank you for providing more detail about their artists connections.

  19. Thanks for this! I'll be referencing Perfume (briefly) in my next BM video, so please watch for it 🙂 And again, one day I hope you'll be a guest on my channel 🙂

  20. わお、ASHについてですか! AIさんと注目点が一致しすぎです。3人ってだいたい想像つきますが、次回を楽しみに待ちます!

  21. 鞘師さん存在を知ったのはラジオ📻TBS (2019/4月)松岡茉優さんが鞘師さん話をした日でした(今Perfume寄り宇多さんに松岡さん詰め寄る場面も笑)→今思えばその2か月後の驚き😲BBC今観てもグッときます😿水野さん同様🍀応援。ちなみに更に更に前『菊地成孔の粋な夜電波📻』放送の中で『DCPRG』メンバー(後に知る大村さん)ベビメタにも参加して面白いって話を聴き興味もったのが僕のBMの全ての始まり(Google▶CMのダンスも印象深く)。CAPSULE や SPANK HAPPY あまり聴かずでしたが KPPのPV海外リアクト動画等は好きでした。たぶんそれもあって自然にBMリアクトも好きに。

  22. 鞘師は、まだモー娘。在籍中にNHKの番組企画でMIKIKOからレッスンを受けたのだが、それがあまりにも衝撃的だったらしくそれからしばらくして卒業発表、留学の流れだった。それが縁でのアヴェンジャーズだったのかと思う。

  23. Performing with BABYMETAL is really a tough challenge, Riho's debut abroad at Glastonbury was an hard one, two scenes really got stuck on me, MOA reaching for her hand, to let her know she was doing well and the end of RoR, with SU and MOA absolutely cool, while Riho almost fainted. But she quickly closed the gap during their tour.

  24. Perfume→さくら学院→BABYMETALとずっとアミューズを応援してますが、今年に入ってハロプロに興味を持ちこちらのページで勉強させていただいてます🙇

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