TVXQ Xiah junsu solo (JPsub)

TVXQ Xiah junsu solo (JPsub)
2005.09.10 Fan meeting

  1. matter how many times I watch this performance…my heart still breaks everytime he hits the bridge and that note! TT^TT

    he's awesome <33333

  2. Just wanted to share this, its a part of a post I found on the community Tohosomnia.

    I saw Xiah Junsu sing Resignation and it was the best.
    A lot of singers sang my song but out of them all, it stood out the most and was sung very well.
    -Big Mama-

    Source: chunjess@soompi
    Trans by: j.adore@soompi
    Shared : Soompi + OneTVXQ + Tohosomnia

  3. I wanna shoot all those blasted women (and fanboys) in the crowd screaming… =____=…. Making it so hard for those of us who arent lucky enough to be there o hear him. DAMN IT! I wanna kill them allllllllllllllllllllllllllll!! (Okay end rant)

  4. ジュンスは人に感動をあたえられるアーティストです(T_T)しかもずっと進化し続けてるのが本当に尊敬する。。。

  5. この曲はなんて言う曲なんですか?

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