[K-Fancam] 스트레이키즈 한 직캠 ‘소리꾼(THUNDEROUS)’ (Stray Kids HAN Fancam) l @MusicBank 210827

#StrayKids_HAN #Fancam

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  1. han is so professional on stage, performing with one eye covered! especially since he originally learned and practiced being able to use both. and of course THAT part (yeah you know the one)

  2. This outfit goes well with the eye patch!
    As always Hanji's charisma is out of this world! And he's a professional, with the eye patch it's not simple and it looks like the hat was bothering him in some way but he was still perfect

  3. Jisung. Deciding to support Stray Kids has been one of the best decisions of my entire life, and you are one of the people who are the reason why I do so. I only just started supporting K-Pop groups two years ago, and I discovered so many groups because I had the time on my hands. However, since I graduated high school I have found I have been a lot busier and unfortunately haven’t been able to dedicate my time to supporting these groups that I like. I didn’t think that there was going to be any time left for me to support another group, but then you came along. My first experience from Stray Kids was the song ‘Side Effects,’ and it fortunately was a song where I got to hear the vocal and rap blend of your versatile voice. Next, it was ‘Boxer,’ which despite it being an upbeat song, almost moved to to tears because of how beautiful your voice sounded. After that, I watched you on ‘The Masked Singer,’ and I couldn’t stop from there. I quickly learned that there is nothing that you can’t do. You are a stunning vocalist, flexible rapper, and outstanding dancer. Overall, this allows for you to be one of the most exceptional performers that I, and other Stay, have ever come to know. I knew, right from the moment that I heard your voice, that I had to have more. I kept going, and since then, I have come to learn so much about you and the legacy that you have already left on music despite being only a few years old as a group. Stay is one of the most unique fandoms that I have been so fortunate to join, and I now know that you are one of the reasons why. I had always thought about Stray Kids as being such an active group and constantly releasing music and content to show how much Stay meant to them, only to find out that you have been such a huge part of that all along. I haven’t even been a Stay for very long yet, but I already have seen the indescribable impact that you left on Stay. It is unlike anything that I have ever seen. I can see how happy, inspired, and desperate that Stay are to reciprocate every ounce of love that you give to them. When I became aware of this, I knew I had to be a part of it. You are so generous, honest, loyal, and possibly most importantly, I have seen you completely change the type of day someone is having just by setting the mood. Whether it be your members, or Stay, you always make sure that everyone is having the best day possible, even it means you have to sacrifice your mood for somebody else. Because you are just naturally funny and inclined to make everybody around you happy, you have an outlook on life that causes everybody you ever meet to be better and happier because of it all. As I’ve said, I haven’t been a Stay for long at all, but on behalf of the other fans, I already can’t even thank you enough for everything that you do every day. You have such a refreshing personality that we all need, especially at this time in the world. I hope that you never lose the innate kindness in your heart and actions; and I am so blessed to be able to thank you for all of it today. On behalf of Stay, who encouraged me to join them and showed me that there are no limits to your love, your members, who adore you quite possibly in a way that no other person can, and your friends and family, who we know are so proud of you, I want to wish you the happiest birthday ever Jisung! I pray that you and your l loved ones stay safe and find happiness and worth in the future. I am so proud of everything that you have accomplished and am so glad I get to see you grow each day now! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stay safe, and I hope you know how much we all absolutely love you so much!!! Be happy!!!

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