2024 박서준 팬미팅 ‘서준시(時)’ – message from Park Seo Jun

2024 박서준 팬미팅 ‘서준시(時)’ – 서울
– 공연일시 : 2024년 8월 10일 (토) 오후 6시
– 공연장소 : 올림픽공원 올림픽홀

2024 박서준 팬미팅 ‘서준시(時)’ – 도쿄
– 공연일시 : 2024년 8월 23일 (금)
– 공연장소 : 有明アリーナ(아리아케 아레나)

2024 박서준 팬미팅 ‘서준시(時)’ – 오사카
– 공연일시 : 2024년 8월 25일 (일)
– 공연장소 : おおきにアリーナ舞洲(오오키니 아레나 마이시마)

  1. Thank you bringing this joyful message in person. No need to be nervous. All your fans are looking forward to this moment and you will have a great time together, for sure. ❤

  2. Afortunadas las fans que podrán asistir a esta reunión… Ojalá en un futuro pueda presenciar un encuentro de fans contigo mi querido Seo Joon… Deseo de todo ❤ que sea un momento mágico tanto para ti como para tus admiradoras que te acompañarán… Soy afortunada de poder enterarme de tus actividades a través de tus redes sociales oficiales, muchas gracias por compartir… Abrazos desde Chile 🇨🇱

  3. Does life have to hurt so much? If you fall into days that constantly bring destruction and the train is accelerating. Whether you can jump out of a moving train without getting injured. Do the bad days and wounds we acquire, those that have healed and those that are open, allow us to look into the future with optimism? I always ask myself this question but I can't find a satisfactory answer

  4. PSJ 🥰 ❤️ I wish you inexhaustible energy,😉🔥💪🏻 don’t overwork yourself, continue to delight us with your struggle with yourself and your professionalism,🔥💥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank you for your perseverance, I hope you can defeat yourself in the next seasons of “Ginny’s Kitchen”♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  5. Hello Seo Joon! a wonderful evening to you from Cebu, Philippines!!! It would be nice if you try to speak in English once in a while…hihihi^_^…Hope you don't mind…

  6. Congratulations on the launch of the Jinny's Kitchen 2 project. Another project that will bring tangible results
    proof that hard work, commitment, your personality and talent for projects pay off. Your fans, but also people who like cuisine, will be able to learn about Korean culture and see that the flavors of the cuisine and your openness are something that brings people together. Regardless of where we live and who we are

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