180721 TWICE Momo “Dance The Night Away”

  1. Estoy praticando está coreografia no soy tan buena en el baile me está costando aprender , pero ya lo estoy logrando ,intento seguirle el paso ✌

  2. Momo. I didn’t know what was happening to me or how to respond when I saw my first TWICE video four years ago in April, but I was overwhelmed by everything that I had never experienced before. The first video I watched was the music video for ‘Fancy,’ and I had never encountered such a concept or a group that was so dynamic and colorful before. For the first few times that I watched the video, because it was so vibrant, I didn’t know where to look and was so excited by everything and everyone. After that, I started becoming fascinated by you and noticed that I was beginning to become infatuated with your presence in the video and in the group. My initial intrigue with you led me to discover more songs and videos from TWICE, and in no time, I was a dedicated ONCE. I have spent the past almost five years of my life learning about you and your history with TWICE. I have loved the group for so long now, but I didn’t realize how quickly you caught my attention when I came across TWICE for the first time. First, it was your facial expressions. No matter what I watched or where you were performing, your facial expressions have always been so convincing and portray so much connection to whatever concept that you engage in. Then, I fell in love with your sweet, lovable, and cute voice that is also strong and captivating. Your vocals are so playful and create an atmosphere of compassion for your fans and members. On top of this, I discovered that you are a talented and versatile rapper because you can make your voice more aggressive or softer. I love how quickly your voice can be identified among others because of its flexibility and your dedication to performing. However, it is perhaps my absolute love of dance that drew me to you the most. I always knew when I watched my first TWICE video that there was an aspect of your performance etiquette that I had never seen before, and I quickly came to discover that it was your destiny to become a dancer. Though I am not a skilled dancer myself and never considered doing it professionally, I always have had a deep love and appreciation for it. Since I have started watching you perform I have had the confidence to do what I never have before. Even if it means just getting up and doing a fun freestyle in my room, I have learned to have fun dancing rather than focus on how well I am able to do it. I, your members, and ONCE realize that you are such a skilled dancer simply because you have a love and understanding for it, not because you prioritize perfection. When you dance, rather than focusing on the moves, you let the music move you and guide you into movement and it is simply one of the most beautiful experiences that I have ever gotten in my life. We can can feel that you go to a different place when you dance, and your performances define who you are as a person. You are naturally a born dancer with the God-given abilities to move your body and express your spirit in ways that no other person can. I am so moved and motivated every time I see you dance even a little bit and have learned to enjoy myself rather than stress over perfection. Your charm is in every little flawless movement that tells a story and connects to present a grand purpose or message to convey to your viewers. You embody what it means to dance and represent the universal language that everyone can speak. In addition to your devotion to dancing, I have become so acquainted and familiar with your personality that you exist like a friend to me now. You are one of the most humorous and spontaneously funny people I have ever come across. You always know what to say or do to cheer up your members and ONCE and every day spent with you puts a smile on our face. Your natural tendency to not take life so seriously has taught so many people to find beauty in every moment and to take time to laugh. At the same time, you are incredibly professional, honest, and humble. You respond very admirably to any situation you’re in and practice poise at the most appropriate moments. There is so much to learn from you and you serve as a role model for people everywhere. I know how much you are treasured and valued to your members. They speak very frequently and so highly about the bond that you created with them. Said bond was instant and beautiful from when you spent your first moments with them. We have seen that your members are only completely happy when you are around to make everything feel whole and unified. They have grown so much over the years and I know they keep every moment spent together with you in their hearts. You have changed them and allowed them to evolve so much over these many years that you’ve known each other just by being yourself. I know they love you with all of their being and have precious memories that they only keep between you and them. At the same time, you have done so much and mean so much to ONCE that it is hard to put it in words. You have worked so hard since before you even debuted with only the vision of making ONCE happy at all times. The way in which it has created a family is a beautiful story of a gradual formation of love. ONCE have learned to love effortlessly, unconditionally, and with their whole hearts because of you. You teach us so much every day and just making one person smile at any moment is enough to continue building the happiness of ONCE and TWICE. We have been so spoiled and blessed to get to watch every performance, listen to every song, and laugh along with you every step of the way. You are so appreciated every single second and we work to give you back all of the love that you have given us for years and continue to give us regardless of what happens. Momo, you remind me so much of my myself and I have resonated so much with you because we share some of the same qualities. However, I am just one person, and I know that ONCE and TWICE collectively love you and have a greater appreciation for life because of you. I want to take this opportunity to also personally thank your family and parents for raising you and instilling all of these caring and selfless qualities into you. It goes without saying that they love you more and in a way that we never could. They are watching everything that you do with the most love and pride possible. They always have you in their hearts, and you have them in yours. On behalf of your friends, ONCE, members, and family, I pray that this birthday is a demonstration of the love and gratitude that millions have around the world for you. I hope that it is the most fulfilling, enjoyable, and desirable birthday that you could ever have. I pray that you and your loved ones stay in stellar health and confident faith; and that you find happiness in everything that you do in the future. I know that remaining happy no matter what and continuing to show ONCE who you are as a person are two of your dreams, so I hope that they come true. I also want to let you know that your dreams are our dreams, so we hope you continue to live honestly and happy as well. Thank you so much for working so hard every day for years now and sacrificing so much just to being us any content. You make positive and uplifting songs, bring us inspiring performances, bring out the musicality in us with your voice, and keep us happy and laughing all of the time. I hope that you never lose your humor and strength and keep shining. I am so proud of everything that you have overcome both personally and as an idol; and for making it out on top of your hardships and obstacles through all of these years. Just know that your family, ONCE, and members will always be there to help you through whatever you need. We will support you forever no matter what happens next. I want to thank everybody who made you who are today, and everybody who you inspired to be themselves. I can’t wait to see what you do next and I can’t wait to love you even more with each passing day! Happy birthday Momo! We adore you so much!!

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