HyukJae (EunHyuk) and JunSu (Xiah) Dancing to Shinhwa’s Hero

pre Super Junior and Dong Bang Shin Ki days… they were best friends ever since… 😀

HyukJae is at YOUR right, JunSu at YOUR left

  1. for a moment i got confuse, which one is Hyuk and which one is junsu? then i remember, once junsu ever said "hyukjae always in the right side and me in the left side",,Hyuksu Shipper here XD

  2. Isn't it? But I noticed how in some choreo even back in TVXQ time Xia was given some difficult parts along with Yunho. Apart from his solos.

  3. Daebakkkkkk
    Even though i'm eunhae shipper, i hv to say that if hyuksu debut in the same group, it would be… dont know what to say@@ cause their dance look so like to each other, even eunhae isnt look like that much!!! (Cause hae always has an own style in his dance~~ lol)

  4. i watched their performance of "Condition of my heart" first before watching this. I have a bad eyesight and the video quality isn't helping so idk which is which. I was comparing the way they dance and i really find the guy on the right side more appealing. like, they're both doing great but i really like the way the guy on the right dances cuz i think he puts emotions in his moves and very detailed. i'm still thinking that Hyuk is on the left side (of the video) cuz that's his position last time so i was ready to say "i'm sorry hyukjae, but i think i'll pick junsu this time" i was also ready to cry cuz i feel like betraying hyuk but i still must accept the fact that i like junsu's dancing better than hyuk's. Just then, the camera zoomed to the guy on the right and i was so shocked to see that it's hyukjae, i actually squealed and laughed at myself. I guess this proves how much i see and believe that hyukjae's dancing is better than others. LOL 😛 there's something in the way he dances that captivates me every single time. <3

    clarifications: I love them both and I think they're great friends. This is my personal opinion so i hope no one will misunderstand. i really didn't mean anything bad. #HyukSu <3

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