[C.C.] Uncle KYUHYUN is busy taking care of his twin nephews #SUPERJUNIOR #KYUHYUN


각국어 번역 자막 제작: 컨텐츠 제작의 마무리는 컨텐츠플라이! 글로벌 진출을 위한 최고의 파트너, CONTENTSFLY에서 제작되었습니다

ⓒ MBC&iMBC 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI학습 포함)금지

  1. 2:10 I love Code Kunst just shut down even the speculations. Narae being so disappointed that it might be a just relative or a female friend.

    I saw the twins Live…live. Time passes by so quickly. They are already 5 now. So happy to see them grow up so well 😊😊

  2. Es un tío muy paciente que lindo que a kyu le gusten los niños se ve adorable y lindo con ellos los niños muy listos para la edad que tienen los chiquitines bonitos como su tío se. ve que lo quieren mucho eres un amor kyuhyun ♥️🐧

  3. Hes exactly me with my daughter and other kids. They always ask questions like we are suppose to know. i just say idk maybe they had a meeting or i think they are at camp

  4. Kyuhyun's love and affection for his twin nephews stands out.

    He has a childlike sense of wonder in appreciating his world and the people who mean the most to him.

    It's great to see Kyuhyun like an uncle having a good time with his beloved twin nephews.

    쌍둥이 조카를 향한 규현의 사랑과 애정이 돋보인다.

    그는 자신의 세계와 자신에게 가장 소중한 사람들을 감상하는 데 있어서 어린아이와 같은 경이로움을 가지고 있습니다.

    규현이가 사랑하는 쌍둥이 조카들과 즐거운 시간을 보내는 삼촌같은 모습이 참 보기 좋습니다.

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