Making Of Love Exposure (Ai No Mukidashi) Part.1.wmv

“Making Of” from the DVD UK Version

  1. The director seems like a bit of an arse and rude. Sure by all means tell her exactly what he needs/wants firmly but no need for name calling. BUT he does have a point that it’s an actor’s job to embody the character fully and engage their emotions to the point where the audience “forgets” that it’s s acting and not real. So many wooden unconvincing actors out there that he was right to push her albeit a bit rudely.

  2. lol…i though she was doing good and every take felt the same..but he said it was rubbish. He really has some great sense. Well he did say the movie was not as he expected to be.

  3. 厳しすぎない?厳しすぎてイライラした。良い映画が出来上がれば何しても良いと思うの?今では満島ひかりの方が才能あって成功しているよね

  4. Ehhh. Nowhere near as bad as Kubrick or William Friedkin (who literally slapped one of his actors on the set of The Exorcist just so he could convey emotion).

  5. Nishijima's acting is really improve a lot than his drama before. In this movie he really makes a lot of progress to be a good actor.

  6. こうゆう厳しい指導する人って、性格悪い人との区別が難しい。私にはまだわからない。くそ性格悪い親父にしか見えない。

  7. 満島ひかりに「お前役者だろ、感動を与えろよ、バカ」って言う言葉投げかける園子温監督なんというかシンプルに言うとすごい。演技の本質をヨーコを演じる満島ひかりに対してぶん投げた感じ

  8. 園子音は満島ひかりに感謝したほうがいい。彼女には一生の恩があると思った方がいい。

  9. 待って走ってるシーンのロケ地水曜日のダウンタウンで漫画あるあるは現実でも起こるのか?みたいなやつのスカートめくり上がるやつの検証してる場所と一緒じゃん!笑

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