【Alive WINTER SCHOOL 2023 ~異文化からの発見!世界の宝物~】

アライブでは、2023年12月25日~28日の4日間、『Alive WINTER SCHOOL 2023 World Culture Quest~異文化からの発見!世界の宝物 』を開催しました!





At Alive, we held the “Alive WINTER SCHOOL 2023 World Culture Quest: Discovering Treasures from Different Cultures” from December 25th to 28th, 2023, spanning four days!

Building on the success of the Summer School, the curriculum unfolded with a pioneering spirit, aligning with the theme of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, “Designing a Radiant Future Society for Life.”

Throughout the event, participants learned about the similarities and differences among countries worldwide, spanning from the past to the future. The program aimed to expose them to the new wisdom of the 21st century, broaden their perspectives, and uncover the ‘secrets’ of diverse cultures.

Over these four days, children discovered the importance of mutual respect and learned about the histories, cultures, and customs that contribute to understanding one another. It was a valuable experience, helping them find a broader range of thoughts and values and deepening their understanding of the world.

(英語の保育園、0歳から大人までの英会話スクール 熱田区、東区、千種区に校舎あり)。Alive International School & Kindergarten, Alive English School, Alive Academy, http://alive-co.com/

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