진호(JINHO) – MAGAZINE HO #33 ‘오늘도 빛나는 너에게 (Feat.이라온) / 마크툽’ with 홍석(HONGSEOK)

진호(JINHO) – MAGAZINE HO #33 ‘오늘도 빛나는 너에게 (Feat.이라온) / 마크툽’ with 홍석(HONGSEOK)

원곡 : 마크툽 (MAKTUB) – 오늘도 빛나는 너에게 (Feat.이라온)

PENTAGON Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/officialpentagon
PENTAGON Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pentagon.unitedcube
PENTAGON Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/CUBE_PTG
PENTAGON Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CUBE_PTG/
PENTAGON Official Fansite: http://cafe.daum.net/cube-pentagon

ⓒ All Rights Reserved CUBE Entertainment


  1. Jinho. I want to start with your musicality. I know it is plain to hear that you have one of the most grand voices that have ever sang. You are capable of hitting every and any note that you set your mind to, and of course, there are not many people who can do this. I’ve rarely met people with a range such as yours, while still having so much control of your voice when you hit every note; as well as not stretching it either. It is raspy at times, yet sweet and delicate at other times. You convey these concepts exceptionally well, due to your voice and its ability to sing every feeling of each one. It feels so real when you sing and your Universe can feel every emotion pouring through each line as if we have felt them ourselves. In addition to this, you are also an extremely talented and well-versed dancer. You are so playful when you dance and the fact that you always look like you’re having a blast is so contagious. You have so much energy that carries you through each performance and you execute each move with so much intricacy and detail. You bring every choreography to life with both the accuracy of your movements, and the character that you infuse into each one. Your moves are so fluid and the flow beautifully from one to the next. You have so much to offer musically and there is no other artist who can replicate your vision. It is you specifically who has helped me learn that while there may be barriers in other areas of life, there are none in music and it is really the language that all can speak. I thank you on behalf of everybody who has gotten to experience your artistry for the feelings and teachings you’ve given to us with your voice and performance. As much as I love your musicality, I love your personality as well. One of the first qualities that I noticed in you was how happy and cheerful you always seem to be. I quickly learned that you appear to live each day very graciously and show much appreciation for all of the wonderful opportunities that you get. You truly have a gift of spreading happiness and you can do so regardless of the situation or people around you. I know that anybody who meets you is lucky for this reason because you make everybody feel so comfortable and you accept others for how they are. I know your members can attest to this the most. It is plain to see just how comfortable you are with your members, as well as they are with you in return. You’ve always been so protective and so reliant on this bond between you to carry Pentagon through all that you’ve been through. Without you, they might have never been able to feel the sheer joy in life’s most unexpected moments. You have left such a mark on each of their hearts in such amount of time, and all that has followed have been some of your members greatest moments. I noticed that when they are with you, you help them to forget all of the pressures they might feel. When they are with you, they can forget that they are in the spotlight; that they are idols, and they can just exist within themselves with you. You are so familiar with each of them individually and know just what to do to help them remember what it is they are fighting for. You help your members believe in the family that they have in one another, and that love can triumph over all that Pentagon faces. Only you are able to supply your members with his feeling that helps them to recognize the beauty in their profession and their lives. While you’ve been away serving time, they have spent every minute working in your name and as if you never even left. You have completely changed their lives and they are who they are because of you. They’ve believed in themselves because you’ve always just loved them and been there for them exactly how they’ve needed you to be. They can do all that they sent their mind to because you believe in them. Thank you for the unconditional love and care that you’ve showered the other members with for years and for grooming them to become the best versions of themselves. Thank you for changing their lives for the better forever. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and helping you to become the accomplished and aspiring young man that you are today. I know that your family means the world to you, and I’ve heard you express your love towards them before. They are likely the reason you are on this path right now, and I know that you keep them close to your heart at all times. I’m sure that you already know this, but I just want to remind you that they love you more than anybody else in this world. They are always going to support you and put you before anybody else. This is important to remember if you ever find yourself doubting or questioning your journey in life. You always have your family who will stand behind you despite what may be troubling you. They must be proud to see the steps you’ve taken and the work that you put in for others. Just know that you honor your parents with the life that you live and there is no way for you to ever disappoint them. Universe keep them in our hearts as you do, and we thank you for helping to spread the same love and acceptance through the world as you do. Jinho, your Universe receive the greatest love that you reserve only for us. Your voice in itself is a gift and is a piece of you that we can hold on to forever. Music is a part of you and undoubtedly so sacred to you, but because you open that relationship up to include us in with it, it is made all the more beautiful. You’ve provided us with some of the greatest memories of our lives. Because of you, we can laugh heartily and find the happiness in the days where we feel down. You give us a reason to believe in ourselves. Every time you might have felt like giving up, you continued on for us, which shows us how much you truly value us. You’ve used us as your motivation to pull you through any obstacle you’ve faced, and there is no greater honor than being the people who get to do that for us. We are so comfortable around you and can just be ourselves, because you love us just as we are. You have shown us the greatest love possible; which has been beyond our wildest dreams. Thank you for helping us grow and discover what we can be in life. Thank you for being the family for those who feel like they might have had one. Thank you for being so honest and open with us throughout your entire time as an idol; even during the time that you were serving. Thank you for changing our lives forever and for being the most selfless person we could have ever met. I know that you been through a lot, both personally and professionally. You’ve had to deal with so much, even before your debut and I can only imagine how it must feel to be in your position. I recognize how much pressure you could have potential felt in your career, and I want to say right now, on behalf of all of your loved ones, that we are beyond proud of you for where you’ve been able to be make it today. It takes strength that many people have to work hard to gain to make it through what you’ve been through; and you have a considerable amount of perseverance because you have made it through all of it. Going through struggles is a part of life, but you’ve proven that you can make it through whatever life throws at you. You have so much courage and are so brave for pushing yourself through everything. You teach us how to do the same, and to remember that those you love are always with you no matter where we go. We are much stronger, much eager people because we lead by your example. Thank you for learning and becoming more resilient after making it past what once ailed you. You are such a role model and an example for all to live by. Thank you for sacrificing and giving all that you have just to make Pentagon, and so much more possible. I hope that on this special day, all of your dreams come true. Even when it is not your birthday, we are cheering you on, but on this momentous occasion, we are all celebrating together. I hope that you can take this day to realize just how many people you have touched and how many people are admiring you everywhere. I hope all of the blessings that you deserve come to you, and that those who surround you are also able to make you feel like the heartwarming person that you are. Please enjoy this day, and remember that we are all around the world honoring your special day! I hope you are able to relax as much as possible! Thank you for suffering through all of the pain, doubt, confusion, fear, concern, fatigue, isolation, pressure, and many more emotions just to bring us any of the content that you’ve created. All of your efforts, regardless of how small or large you may think they are, change somebody in this world. A Universe’s mood, day, or life is changed every day because of what you do and who you are. I hope you never feel obligated to change or exert yourself for us, because we love you just the way you are. We cannot get a greater love than what you give us, and you already give us the Universe with it! I hope that you never change because you are beautiful inside and out the way you presesnt yourself to us. You are exactly what this world needs to become a better place! I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in the future! Happy birthday Jinho, and we adore you so much!!!!

  2. Hongseok. I want to first talk about your musicality, more specifically your voice. You have one of the sweetest voices I’ve ever heard. There is a softness and a subtlety to your voice that gives it so much character and definition. You are an incredibly passionate singer as well. I can see it in your eyes and on your face that you are giving life to every word that you are singing. You can only go so far with training your voice and focusing on technique, but you really lose yourself to your voice when you sing. You are a stylistic genius, and have the ability to bring so much vibrancy to each of your lines. When you sing, you look so vulnerable, and the delicacy of your voice allows for you to communicate how you feel with your audience. It is clear you have a natural voice that was meant to touch hearts everywhere. As well as being an awe-inspiring singer, you are a talented and free dancer. You master each Pentagon choreography flawlessly. Your movements are loose, yet concrete, and it allows so much of your own personal expression to be infused with your movement. You effortlessly connect your mind to your body, and whatever concept you present is reflected in the way that you move. You make each performance unforgettable by just giving way to the music and letting your body carry you through the song. Your spontaneous and sudden bursts of love shine through when you gift your Universe with the surprises that you leave for us through your dances. You engulf the stage with your power and capture the mood of any genre with your versatility as a dancer. Overall, what you bring cannot be brought by another artist, and you have changed music so much. You have redefined what it means to have stage presence and have charmed the hearts of countless by possessing such newness in your own. You have already contributed so much to Pentagon’s legacy, and the potential music has on the world will continue to expand so long as you continue to explore it. As much as I love the music that lives within you, I love your personality as well. One of the first qualities that I recognized in you was your humor.You’re witty, clever, goofy, and even an expert at teasing your members! You were really meant to be on this Earth encouraging laughter in those around you. I also love how you take care of yourself. You always look out for your well-being and always seem to respect what your body needs. I know that nobody is healed from being around you quite like your members. I know that you’ve known them for so long, and because of this, you know them on a deeper level than most people. When they are with you, it’s like they can forget all else around them and exist in pure happiness with you. Some of their brightest days have come from the times they spent with you; remembering what it feels like to really enjoy the company of your loved ones. You always tease your members, which is helpful in itself because it teaches them not to take themselves too seriously. In another way, it must warm their hearts that somebody is looking after them enough to be familiar with how they act and think. There are parts of them that only you know, that even Universe or maybe even others are not aware of. You remind your members to take a moment and ensure that they are okay as well. Without you, they might not be as able-bodied as they are now. You have helped them find the love in themselves and have brought them closer together. You are their brother and a family member that they know they can always rely on. They are who they are and where they are today because of you. You help them to recognize their fullest potential every day, and they know that they can go wherever they aspire to because you believe in them. They couldn't get the love that you give them anywhere else. Thank you so much for changing the lives of your members forever and helping them to become the best versions of themselves imaginable. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and leading you to become the hardworking and dedicated man that you are today. I know that you likely already know this, but it feels right to state that it is important to remember that your family is always going to be there for you. There will be times in life when you feel lost, but you can lean on your loved ones who know you better than anybody else in this world. They are always going to love you and support above all else in this world. No matter what path you take, they will behind you, guiding you and reassuring you. I hope that you continue to love them and value them in the way that you do. Remember, every step that you take is making them proud and you are honoring them with the life that you are leading. Universe keep them in our hearts as graciously as you do, and we strive the share to spread the same care and generosity for others as you do. Hongseok, you cherish your Universe in a very special way that lifts our hearts in a way that nobody else can. As Universe, we can tell that you are very aware that you don't get to see many of us in person; especially because of this pandemic. In response to this, you make sure that all of the content that you create for us is as entertaining and memorable as possible. We all live in different places across the world, but you really know how to make it feel like we are all in the same room together. We can forget about the world around us and spend time with each other, and it really feels like we are all just one big family. Just by being yourself, we always have the time of our lives when we’re with you. All of our walls come down, and we know we can truly be who we are because you show us who you are. We feel safe with you and it is so relieving to spend time with you. You help our stress to go away and we are so relaxed when we get to be around you. Similarly to with your members, you also help us to look after our health. You eagerly share your tips with your fans, which really lets us know how much you appreciate us. We are learning what rewards come from caring for ourselves, and this can be easy to forget, again, especially because of the pandemic leaving everybody feeling tense. It is very refreshing getting to spend time with somebody who wants his fans to be the healthiest versions of themselves possible. Thank you so much for trusting us to be the ones that you give your heart to. We know so much about you and you have been so open with us. It is an honor to be the ones that you place this trust with. We will always try to give back all that you have given us, though it seems you’ve given us more than we could ever imagine. You are the greatest role model and loveliest family member we could ever have. Thank you for changing our lives as well, and for being the one to help us become healthy and happy. I know you have been through a lot, both professionally and personally. The road with Pentagon hasn’t been easy, I know, and you also have had to deal with quite a bit on your own. We likely don’t even know the half of what you’ve undergone, and we can’t imagine it since we aren’t in your position. All that I can do though, on behalf of all of your loved ones, is tell you that we are so proud of you for making it past all of these hardships to be where you are today. The strength that you have is acquired; something you’ve had to work at to get rather than just naturally having. You have built up so much resilience after going through what you have, and I know that you become more intelligent after doing so. You have proven that you can tackle whatever life throws at you in the future, and you are teaching us that we can do the same as well. Watching you get to where you are today and taking after how you choose to approach your struggles has been nothing short of inspirational. We thank you for teaching us while you go through these hard times, and I hope that you can see that it is worth it to work your your way through. I hope that on this day, all of your dreams come true and you get to do all that you have your heart set on. It may be hard to look at yourself in this light, but I hope you are able to see what a motivational and sacred person you are to countless people across the world. Let the love of your Universe envelope you and take you to the highest places you’ve always wanted to go! I hope that those surrounding you can also help you to understand what a deserving person that you are. I wish that every moment is spent with pure happiness, and that this goes down as one of the greatest days you've ever had! I hope that all of the blessings come to you on your special day today! Please relax and have so much fun! Thank you dearly for sacrificing so much just to make Pentagon and your individual works possible. Thank you for struggling through any pain, fatigue, confusion, isolation, fear, concern, doubt, and so many other emotions just to bring us the slightest bit of content. Never doubt your efforts, because no matter how small you may think they are, it is changing somebody in some way somewhere. I hope that you don’t feel obligated to change because we will always love you unconditionally just as you present yourself to us. You are beautiful inside and out, and I hope you never forget that. Thank you so much for everything that you’ve ever done for us, and ever might do for us. I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in your future. Happy birthday Hongseok, and we adore you so much!!!!!

  3. byeolbichi naerin bam
    geu punggyeong sok neowa na
    nal saeropge haneun
    ttatteuthage mandeuneun
    ni nunbit ni miso
    yeongwonhi damadulge

    neoro gadeukan mam
    neol dalaganeun na
    nal wihan seonmul
    kkumboda deo areumdaun
    seoroui pumeseo
    kkeut eomneun bameul geotja

    naui modeun naldeureul da jugosipeo
    nae i mameul modu jeonhago sipeo
    jamdeulji mothan
    pureun baramdeul
    ireoke balge i bameul bichwo

    neowa jageun ilsangeul hamkke haneunge
    nae gajang keun gippeumingeol neon alkka
    nae sesang soge
    neon bichi doeeo
    jigeum moseup geudaero nae gyeoteman

    naege on neoran bichi nun busyeodo
    ne apeseo han sungando nun gamji ana

    dagaol sigando
    gyejeorui baramdo
    neol deryeogaji mothage

    naega deo joeun sarami doego sipeo
    deo areumdapge neol aneul su itge
    jamdeulji mothan
    jamdeul su eomneun
    baramdeuri neol bureugo isseo

    eonjekkajina neowa hamkke halgeoya
    nae majimak sumgyeoldo neoilgeoya
    nae sesang soge
    neon bichi doeeo
    jigeum moseup geudaero nae gyeoteman

  4. this magazineho really really touches my soul. Vocals are out of this world and the feeling these boys deliver is indescribable. It’s a video I listen to all the time, and it will always mean so much to me. Thank you Jinho and Hongseok ❤️❤️

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