love is punishment. | Push & Moon Chae Won [crossover]

SONG: Love is Punishment by K.Will (Shinning Inheritance OST)
DRAMAS: Roy Lae Sanae Rai, Sup’tar, Nice Guy
“When I loved you, you didn’t love me back BUT when you love me, I can’t love you back.”

Push falls in love at first sight with Chae-won and he decides to befriend her. On the day he decides to confess his love, he finds out that she’s engaged with Joong-ki. He decides to move on but he can’t so he confesses his love on her wedding day but gets rejected. One year later, he sees the couple again at a party; while in his drunk state he decides to follow them and ends up in an car accident killing joong-ki. Chae-won loses her memory and the only person she remembers is Push (only his face/has flashes of him). Thinking him to be her husband, her family requests him to pretend but at the same time stay away from their daughter since he’s a murderer (Chae-won’s family hates/blame him). Push feeling guilty tries to avoid her but on the other-hand Chae-won doesn’t understand her husband and decides to seduce him. What will happen when her memories comes back, can she accept him?

This is my second time vidding this couple. Few months ago I did a collab part with these two and since then I really wanted to vid them again. The initial story/MV that I started with this couple was too complicated so I decided to trash that MV and start a new one with a fresh storyline. *I have this weird habit that I need a storyline before I start editing since that’s like the main source of inspiration for me…also the storyline works for only one couple like I can’t inter-change it either lol I know it’s weird!!!

Both the song and the storyline gave me so much inspiration that this only took me ~4 hours… so much less compared to my other crossovers and I’m quite happy with my results too!!! 😀

Also, I love love this song and K.Will voice is too good. I was never a big fan until I attended his concert last year in Korea…OMG like seriously I’m in love with his voice/songs now (that concert made me a fan). One of the most memorable weekend I spend in Korea. I wish I could attend another concert of his in the future!!!

  1. I love this!! ^_^…Won't ever happen in reality or drama but just this make me goosebumps lol.Thanks so much MIA.Ship new couple from your just CROSSOVER look REAL for me.^^

  2. OMFG. you don't even wanna know how i reacted when i saw this. geez, mia, you gotta warn us when you put things like this out. your crossovers just hit a special place in my heart. push and mcw ?! that's like my dream couple! (one of many) haha. and the songg — so many memories from SI. K's voice is just .. heartwrenchingly beautiful. gahhh. however, the only problem i have with this video … is that it is too short!! why oh why. gahhh * cries

  3. You are so talented that words cannot explain. I'm in love with the storyline, it's perfect 😍 such a perfect pairing too, omg. Everything flowed soooooooo well! Let's just say…everything about this is perfect, hehe. And you went to Korea?! Not only that…you saw K.Will live?! You're making me jealous over here, not only your talent but the fact that you saw K.Will live. I'm dead jealous, lol. K.Will is so talented, love the OSTs he sings 😭😍😍

  4. Realize that I didn't comment! 😮 your cross over always makes me so happy in some way. – I would love to see this two do a Lakorn/drama together! It'll be amazing! Omg all the scenes you used was fabulous! Go so well! Woooo! Will you teach me how to the cross over! Hahaha jk! But I always love your cross over!

  5. OMG!! I really love this video!! 2 amazing actors in one video!! And Push!! <3
    My Love!! This video is one of my favorite crossover!!
    So beautiful!! <3

  6. i dont know the guy.. i thought first it was jichangwook and this vid popped out of my reco vid.. but anyways..
    this is just WOW!!! The song,the scenes,the emotions are just perfectly put together..if i didnt know chaewon's filmo i wouldve thought i missed a drama of her..
    Absolutely beautiful!! Deserves to dream that one day.. maybe one day.. it would happen.. pls do more..
    off to google this actor… lol

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