Suzy bombards Yang Se-jong with meal date requests | DOONA! | Netflix [ENG SUB]

Is she really hungry, or is she just flirting? Enjoy this compilation of scenes where Doona (Suzy) asks Won-jun (Yang Se-jong) out to eat, from tteokbokki to jokbal and bossam. Will Suzy’s persistence ever get through to Won-jun?

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  1. If suzy came at me like that. I'd have the biggest smile and have too much confidence for a decade. She's SO PRETTY. I wouldn't even be crept out. I would just accept it even if it's death from her hug.

  2. 真的不要只看影視劇裡面演的,
    實際的社會很多時候好的是一種模仿誇飾, 壞的可能有過之無不及, 看看劇娛樂還可以, 工作生活真的要考慮。看看日韓演藝圈霸凌實例, 日本工作被壓榨壓力大到要跳樓臥軌就知道了。

    韓國的階級長幼比日本還嚴重, 台灣算是東亞國家裡面, 工作和生活模式被歐美影響比較大的了, 風格比較自由一些。還有企業大多數不是韓國那樣的大型企業, 所以不是沒有, 只是相對沒有很完全的看這些親疏上下關係, 一見面就第二句話問年齡。

    要靠外勞引進讓外勞可以生根其實第一代通常是比較不切實際的, 第二代以後就算還是在該國生活, 基本上教育上可能也和本國無異, 本國如果生的不多, 也不要寄望在這些二三代身上。

    美國出生率單看全國平均是1.66, 但是再細分各個族群或地區實際的值就差很多, 其實生孩子主要是價值觀還有經濟能力和教育水準相互影響的, 如果說生孩子不會整天受到外界各種生存和生活壓力的影響, 現在平均的物質生活條件, 現代人應該可以生的更多, 沒有主要就是, 各種資源分配的極度不平均, 加上生活壓力大, 自己都不見得可以過得多好, 怎麼期待生了孩子可以讓他過的一樣好。例如你期待一個住在地下半樓公寓的生兩個三個或更多, 怎麼不期待江南區豪宅裡面的生十個或更多呢?
    古時候王宮貴族家也生很多, 然後只有一部分能得到很多財產資產, 其他庶出就比較少, 平民中有人可以透過考試或是其他方式立功, 改變自己的身份, 現在還講各種親疏, 明顯就是壓榨新人, 製造社會對立, 其實二三十多年前就這樣了, 每代年輕人都不如前一代, 怎麼沒人考慮時代會演變, 或是換句話說前一代的比先前一代的更不會帶領後一代跟下一代呢?

    也許是不是也該立法, 讓有錢的人家裡多生, 國家寄稅法要真的抽得到稅(很難), 這樣根本就可以不會有生育問題。
    其實問題就是每個個體都是自私的, 如果資源分配的不足夠平均, 卻要拿平均的數字統計概念套用給每一個人, 當然活的累覺得不開心, 生了小孩延續這些不開心, 生育的動力自然就很低了。

  3. 為甚麼?韓國人的審美觀如此…獨特。




  4. She Song hye kho actually can't live without Mans, if she says pass 4 year didn't dating or didn't relationship with any man , It's she is honest , sincere, genuine n perfect human being ??????🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢 Actually crazy women hide it from public , maybe she think public n Korean fans are stupid n she is smart 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 crazy women getting old she will live forever gulity n regret feeling for sure

  5. She Song hye kho having relationship many official n un official boyfriends from pass 27 year until now ,hide from public,,she capable n smart move, personally enjoying life , she don't worries bother or care what public,fans comments, she have back support from rich business man, billionaire, millionaire to promo, highlight she is sincere, genuine ,honest n perfect human being, crazy women , c she will live forever gulity n regret feeling for sure, this is why he let her go , after mentally torture from her !!!;

  6. What about India played 10 matches & India won 10 of them. In that, 4 are 1st batting & some we reached near 400. Yella Sumne bogale, adake aagilla adhe nija.

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