



#ゆっくり解説 #ゆっくり事件 #凶悪事件

  1. 残されたお子さん達が可哀想です😢


  2. 3人とも「復興支援」をしてる最中に消されているんだよな 逆に言えば「復興妨害」してる輩が居るって事か 復興支援されちゃ困る何かがあったんだろうな 「壊れたままにしとけ」と黒い奴がその3人に告げるが、3人とも拒否 拒否した事で消された… ヤバい コレは思った以上にヤバい事件だぞ

  3. 気のせいだよ、平凡な人生の俺アラフォーだけど自分のまわりで自◯した人(同級生の親とか職場とか)で何人もいるんだから…コロ助で芸能界も病んでただけだと思う。

  4. 御三方好きな俳優さんだったからこの時はさすがにショックだった。どこかで生きてる説はそうであって欲しいなって意味で支持してる。闇が多いからあの世界は。

  5. I have known what you are saying for 10 years ago. Well, here you have the year 2323, and here I have 2009… That's two spaces today. One world is politics and people, and the other world is me alone in a virtual dress.

    Same sex orientation and life insurance. What does that mean. That something from the 2010 era somehow attracts those who fall in love with it at first sight. But nature put an end to that by itself. 11.3.2011 Love that okj. rip…

    500000 to 500000 and more. to all

    Let me explain in physics, when I get enough mass, the reaction will do its thing by itself. That is qvant 4 eyes.

    Or three dead sequences of 6 dimensions is needed for a new species on this planet.. Just keep coming mass to the whole world 50%50%. This will cause a reaction.

    It's all the same, only people, the sky. The fact is that the first man insured it with his life. But how they got married is not clear to me because I wasn't even there. I didn't even plan this. Even now I wonder how it is possible for everyone to fall in love at first sight.

    How will a same-sex person prosecute me if I am innocent. However, this person has allies where he has also created victims. It means that the victim accepted the murderer as a gift to punish someone who ensured all this with death…….This is the code that drives some 4.12 billion inhabitants today. How many more are there?

    3x px or Q6 💫☀🌈🌐🌈☀💫

    How to resolve this. Find 50,000 people approximately from 2009 to 2010 until they become "same sex". Well, you have to clean it up. and those to which it would be inserted….

    According to some logic, man has not used this race to its fullest. Therefore, he could continue with the development as it is… However, he will not make any significant changes. But if you consider that several thousand years have passed from the time of the pyramids to today. In the last 300 years, however, the aforementioned technological progress has come. What now, in order to progress, we need to change the type of person. Homosapians or man or a new species which I have roughly described below…

    That the aforementioned group takes away your 2 wives, children, and family, that they have their own representative there who has this campaign in Japan and all over the world, because those who have decided to have the same sexuality must be judged…

    They know very well what is here, but they don't want to look for a solution from me, how they will see me, or they want me to decide what they will see, but this is just a disease that I already described 10 years ago.

    If they increase the attack on me or the crowd just pull me to the other side, for which the said group would use me to judge Japan. But I can't stay there and go back to 2010. How to judge me if I'm innocent.

    It's a practice to judge me there…

    And then how to produce Japanese sadness there. !?
    Because of me, they have to protest about the Nuclear facilities sometime in late 2010. To fall in love there then as a same-sex couple.

    I hope that the protests from the mentioned time do not create a nuclear disaster there.. However, it seems that because they fall in love with it, and have relationships behind where there is still someone who dies because of the mentioned group…
    This is all I need to be innocent and that there is no such group.

  6. あくまでも噂レベルの話だけど、竹内さんは今話題の宗教が関係してるという話を聞いたことがあります。

  7. 育児ノイローゼで自○だと思いますね

  8. また新しいのしりたい宗教旦那仕事子育てでもある程度お金は稼いでるし3人の死にしりたい個人的の悩み?

  9. あのウイルスをわざとばら撒いて(まさか大手メディアの言うこと信じてませんよね?)世界中で何人大事な人が亡くなったか、生存者もどれだけ辛酸を嘗めたか。中共は世界に弁償しろ。ていうか消えてなくなれや。海外だけでなく中国人も大量に犠牲になってて中共がいかに害悪かわかる。

  10. これはおかしいんだよ、八ヶ月の赤ん坊をおいてなくなるなんて、不自然だよ、何か大きな力が働いて、この三人は何か闇がある。悔しくて仕方がない。残された家族が幸せになることを、せつに、いのっています。

  11. いくらパンデミックで世界中が不安になっていたと言ってもこの一連の死亡は不審過ぎる😅もし陰謀説だったとしたら日本という国は闇が深すぎてとんでもない国に成り下がっている🥱連鎖反応にしても不気味過ぎるし何と恐ろしい国になってしまったのが😅オウムや創価学会 統一教会と闇が多すぎる😅

  12. 当時、ヒーリングっどプリキュアを観てた時に

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