[HallyuPopFest London 2022] CHEN (첸) – Love Words (사랑의 말) | DAY 1

HallyuPopFest London 2022- Day 1
Saturday, 9 July 2022
OVO Arena Wembley, London, United Kingdom

Artiste: CHEN
Performance: LOVE WORDS


HallyuPopFest is a fan celebration of Korean pop culture and Music.
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  1. There's no voice and no angel like uri Kim Jongdae! Thank you so much for existing and making our lives beautiful, our precious Jongdae!

  2. This is my favorite Chen song.

    It made more than 14 hours standing in line in the sun disappear.

    I think I stopped breathing when he started singing…

    I came to London for him, to support him. And it was beautiful to see him smile and understand that many of us were there for him…

  3. 김종대 정말 자랑스럽습니다!!! 아주 오랫동안 사랑하고 다음 월드 투어에서 다시 만나길 바랍니다! ❤

  4. as Jongdae once said, music doesn’t have language, we all can understand and feel it even though we are not familiar with the exact lyrics ❤

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