Namie Amuro "_genic" Album Review | 安室奈美恵_genicアルバムレビュー

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Album only version…

Blu Ray version…

DVD version (the one in this video)…


Intro music by Hikosaemon, used with permission

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  1. Great review! I'm glad that you've found a Namie album you enjoy 😀 I personally did not enjoy this album. It's not a bad album by any means, it's just super generic to me. There's nothing that stands out and makes me want to listen to it again. Which is disappointing cause I've never really felt that way about a Namie album before : However, the two singles released prior to this album were great and I wish at least the A-sides would have made it onto the album ^^ Looking forward to your next review!!

  2. I really like your reviews. I can imagine how the songs go. I listened to all the tracks and I agree with your top choices. Although I like the chorus for fashionista, not the lyrics per say but just how it sounded. But I do not like how the beginning starts. The Hatsune Miku song is something you need to get used to. Miku does have some cool tracks on her own. One collab song I recommend is called Ray with Bump of Chicken. Their live performance is awesome. I did vote and I chose my current favorites and 1 past favorite. Man with a Mission, Aoi Eir, and BoA. I think MWAM would be an very interesting collab. lol.

  3. Spot on review for me <3 _genic is my favorite album from her since Past < Future I think. Now that you pointed out how short 'It' is I'm really upset! haha

    I wanted to like Every Woman so bad haha. That and Scream were my least favorites…

    My favorites are probably Stranger, Golden Touch, It, and Space Invader. B who I want 2 B (however she spells it…) really grew on me but I think I would like this song so much more if it didn't have Miku in it. I'm really not a fan of vocaloids. The Persona artist did a really awesome drawing of Miku and Namie though, so that was a plus! I learned that B who I want 2 B is part of a music genre called "PC". Unfortunately I've yet to find another PC song that sounds as catchy as this one.

    I am DYING for her to come to America. She keeps doing more songs in english lately so I feel like that has to be her end goal, right?! ;-; I had also heard she bought a house in Los Angeles, so I'll just be here…waiting…

    As usual, love your reviews 😀

  4. Most of this album doesn't seem quite to my taste, but "Golden Touch" is awesome! One of the best pop tunes I've heard in forever. Nice review 🙂

  5. "bout time you did this review. Lol!

    How could you NOT like "Every Woman"?!

    That song is epic.

    I am REALLY interested in hearing Namie's next album too.

    I wanna know what she will do next?

    I'm surprised that you opted for the CD+DVD version instead of the Blu-ray+CD version.

  6. Stranger has to be the hottest track out this year, fire!Every Woman sounds like shit. Its so generic and annoying, that rap… No.Most of the album is quite good, but I think It and Space Invader are generic as heck too.I love me some Namie, but I agree in the fact that she needs to step it up instead of sitting down; and just choosing which demos she'll feature in her albums.

  7. Great album review, Emily! I'm looking forward to checking out this album myself, actually. I love what I've heard of it so far, except for B Who I Want 2 B (Hatsune Miku, really Namie?). I just can't believe that she collaborated with a VOCALOID of all things. She was trying to be forward-thinking and innovative, I believe, but no… Just no. Miku annoys me to absolutely no end.

    Other than that, I really have no problems with what I've heard of the album so far. Sounds good, and Namie is one of the only artists I know that can release ZERO physical singles prior to dropping an album and still have it be as successful as _Genic was. Kudos to her for that.

    JAM Entertainment Channel

  8. I know you don't like the last two albums, but you are judging an artist that went 2x Platinum with Uncontrolled and Platinum with Feel. So obviously she is doing just fine…just saying

  9. Honestly loved the whole album but i enjoyed hearing someone else's opinion on it. BUT IM CURIOUS to know what you think her next album is going to be? Since it's her big 25th do you think she is going to do another "Best" Album or do something else?

  10. Cool review!

    I liked _genic overall, but do agree that she needs to step it up. _genic was nice for course correcting her sound after Feel and Uncontrolled which were pretty messy sounding albums despite having a couple of great tracks. But I hope Namie pushes the envelope a little more next time around. I also need her to stop with the English thing. Just, stop. I don't mind 1 or 2 tracks. But I just cannot with another album of it.

    I was PISSED with "B who I want 2 B" though. The demo that leaked featuring QT was hot. But then the song got butchered on _genic. There's WAY too much filtering on Namie's voice and Miku dominates the song more than Namie does. Her live performance of it is much better because it's just her singing the whole song, but oddly enough they slap that auto tune and filter on her mic. I was like, gurl, really?!

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