#2「Final Fantasy III」「JP/EN」Our team bonds! 冒険の始まりだ! #vtuber #レトロゲーム

We finished gathering our teammates and entered a tiny village!

※​めちぇとの約束!アドバイス・ネタバレ禁止!A promise with Meche on retro streams! Advice, backseats and spoilers are NOT ALLOWED ❤❤※

💀🤘🍟!!!!SUPER MECHE スーパーめちぇ!!!!💀🤘🍟


Hello I’m Super Meche!
Game making, artist, retro game loving,
self made indie midboss succubus vtuber!
I make creative and original content just for you!
Come and take a look!

始まりStart:どーも (Do-mo)
終わりEnd:ごち (Gochi!)

🍟Game Dev🍟


📺配信、エゴサー Stream and general ::
🎨ファンアート Fanart meme ::
🍟ファンマーク Fan mark🍟::


MoonWind – https://moonwind.pw/material.html
きまぐれアフター – https://gakaisozai.seesaa.net/
shijimi – http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~osumashi/free_bg.html
みんちりえ – https://min-chi.material.jp/



1. Chat is not a blog or discord. Do not have off topic convos with other listeners.
2. No trauma dumping, snarkiness, or backseating!
3. Don’t shit on the games/anime/media I am talking about or playing.
4. Do NOT mention other Vtubers except Hololive members
5. Absolutely NO politics, history, racial or social issue comments
6. Do not make sexually suggestive comments about Meche

After 1 warning, you will be banned.

Meche’s Stream is a JP/EN stream. I speak in Japanese mostly but also speak English. I like to have fun with chat, but please think before you comment. Do not be rude (calling me dumb when I miss something, etc.) or take attention away from the stream by talking amongst the listeners. Please be respectful to Meche, the chat and the media we are playing/talking about.



1 comment
  1. Something I forgot to mention in the last video, In both FF2 and FF3 every character can dual-wield weapons.

    You stayed up until 6 AM talking to the bots? That's 7 AM for me, I was already at work when you finally decided to stop.

    If you want to play Chrono Cross, for the love of god finish Chrono Trigger first.

    Dragon Warrior is the English name for the first four Dragon Quest games.

    People keep suggesting you play FFXII, While I would definitely agree since it is the second best Final Fantasy game, maybe take a break from the Final Fantasy's for a bit and come back to it.

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