[편의점 샛별이] ‘창욱&유정 정산 테스트! 60초 인터뷰’ / ‘Backstreet Rookie’ Special | SBSNOW

편의점 점장과 알바생의 기본 덕목!
정산 테스트부터 벌칙 타임까지!
과연 대현 & 샛별이는 정답을 맞혔을까요?

▼ SBS 새 금토드라마 ‘편의점 샛별이’▼
☞ 6월 19일 금요일 밤 10시 첫 방송 🐱🐭

#편의점샛별이 #지창욱 #김유정

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  1. the criticism towards backstreet rookie, is definitely backstreet rookie's message.

    "people will always suspect you once you have a bad reputation, no matter how many good deeds you do"

    so screw those normies, they are jealous of KYJ

  2. They are so adorable together~~ I feel happy when girls around my age is around wookie, makes me feel confidence for who knows what LMAO

  3. The most good looking couple in the kdrama world. Hope they can redeem their partnership through another drama because they are absolutely the best! Both are good in action scenes, romance, comedy you name it. Hate those knets who were so over sensitive with it's first episode. This drama is so good!

  4. In this video, words are not necessary, body language says it all, to begin with, the position of the body and chest, the constant glances, the smiles, how they tilt their heads slightly when turning to look, Ji Changwook intimidates Kim Yoojung in a tender way. It's not like he scared her, but rather than that he made her nervous, she touched her hair a lot, she smiled a lot, it's evident that she liked him, and it's even more evident that he liked her a lot, because he didn't avoid show his interest in her, always looking for her gaze, smiling sweetly, until he realized he was being too obvious and covered it up, but even when he compared her to his favorite store product, he mentioned that she brought an intense joy like when eat jelly, and at that moment he pointed to himself putting his hand between his chest, clearly implying that she brings intense joy, to people but especially to him, she made him feel like when he eats his favorite candy, she felt touched by his answer.

    if you asked me these two liked each other a lot, but I feel like they both knew and somehow avoided it, maybe they were afraid of love and getting hurt, whatever I feel like they had or still have the biggest crush on each other, maybe never confesed to each other.

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