후이(HUI) & 신원(SHINWON) – ‘WTH’

후이(HUI) & 신원(SHINWON) – ‘WTH’

Composed by 후이, 신원, Minit, Chiic
Lyrics by 후이, 신원
Arranged by Minit, Chiic

Narration 우석
Background Vocal 후이, 신원
Guitar Chiic

Recording engineer 최예지 @ Cube Studio
Mixing engineer 신재빈 @ Cube Studio

PENTAGON Official Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/officialpentagon
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PENTAGON Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CUBE_PTG​
PENTAGON Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pentagon.unitedcube
PENTAGON Official Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/cubeptg​
PENTAGON Official Fansite: https://united-cube.com​



머리가 복잡할 땐 다들 복창해 셔터 내려
누구는 도착할 때 나는 속상해 인생이란 Abstract
우아우아해 우아우아해 우 우 우주는 무한해
구안에 내 꿈들은 갈구하네 품 안에 있던 모든 걸 다

이 음악 속에 던져봐 Smells like fire
내 맘속 검은 손들을 베어 버려 날려버려 Blow
Um 예전에 내가 말했었지 아무도 미래를 몰랐었겠지
음악이란건 참 힘들고도 우아한 역설적인 반란
그 깃발을 꽂는 나의 젊은 날 Come on now

Welcome To The Hell 악마의 춤을 Twist
What the heck 엄마에게는 Sorry
룸바 다함께 차차
룸바 다함께 차차
룸바 다함께 차차

Ok 신원 후이 Show me what you got

Burn (Burn)
Burn (Burn)
Burn 즐거울 樂
We’re gonna rock the world
Best friend
We’re gonna lock and load

Yes my rock & soul 우린 이미 Lock & load
완벽하지 막해도 걸쳐 극사세 옷
룸바 차차 삼바 짠짠 쿵쿵 짝짝 터져 팡팡
Just do it yo라고 했잖아

Welcome To The Hell 악마의 춤을 Twist
What the heck 엄마에게는 Sorry
룸바 다함께 차차
룸바 다함께 차차
룸바 다함께 차차
너의 꿈들을 펼쳐 Like this show

Welcome To The Hell 악마의 춤을 Twist
What the heck 엄마에게는 Sorry
룸바 다함께 차차
룸바 다함께 차차
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우리 맞불 질러 Our smell’s like fire
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ⓒ All Rights Reserved CUBE Entertainment

#후이 #신원 #WTH

  1. Shinwon. I couldn’t help but watch you when I first started watching Pentagon videos because I thought that you represented every mood perfectly. You are able represent each of your concepts very vividly and thoroughly. Then, I started to take in the diversity of your voice. You can alter your voice to make countless sounds, from different levels of aggression all the way to a level of delicacy. You don’t even have to say much but there is so much expression in your voice when you speak or even say just one word and it changes the entire dynamic of the song. There is a power that you hold musically, and when you sing, you always leave your fans anticipating more. Next, I was drawn into to your captivating dancing abilities. I’ve always had an affinity for your mesmerizing dance abilities, but it wasn’t until I really got to know Pentagon that I realized how stunning and talented you really were.Even when you are just practicing and you might not think anybody is watching, you have some of the most fun but some of the best control I’ve ever seen somebody have. You always balance execution and enjoyment perfectly both on and off stage while making it look so easy. Individually, you stand out as a well-rounded and blended performer, but you also help your group to look in synch and flawless as well. It’s always evident that you worked so hard but you look like your were meant to dance and sing on stage and there is a different side of you that comes out only when you are doing so. I’ve become aware this year that you can also play piano which for me, personally, is an instrument that I’ve wanted to play for as long as I can remember. When you play, it seems as if you go into a different world in your mind but you bring only the Universe with you to it. You convey every emotion when you play and though I haven’t seen it often, it is always so beautiful and moving for me to witness. Just when I thought I couldn’t be more surprised about your character, I was excited to learn that there was so much more to you that I had yet to discover. One of the first traits I learned that you have is humor. You have a special type of humor and always say what seem to be the most funny lines possible in every situation. It seems that you get happiness making other people laugh and it is one of the most considerate bouts of pleasure that you can provide for another person. You always make your members more comfortable and show them a good time. They always look to you for a good laugh and when the moment calls for it they know that you can bring everybody, including the Universe, together for some of the best times of their lives. When I need some cheering up, which is lately especially because of the pandemic, I can always lean on you and it is all that I can ask for. I know that there are several Universe everywhere that also feel the same, and we cannot thank you enough for completely changing our entire day around just by being yourself. Perhaps one of my favorite parts of you, however, is your intelligence. I believe that the way that you carry yourself is potentially one of the most attractive qualities about you. You are always so mature in every situation, which is in direct contrast to your ability to be so funny. When the time comes for you to serious and professional, you always do so honestly and easily. Even when it may seem like a moment where you could lose yourself, you always hold it together and realize that the best that you can do is just be genuine about how you’re feeling. I’ve noticed you also take this approach with your Universe and members. One of the most desirable traits in somebody is for them to just be transparent and have loyalty to those they love. No matter what has happened to you, even if you might not have wanted to talk about it, you always come to us first and tell us about what’s happening. You are very blunt, which is very admirable in several situations. I know you try not to make us worry about you, and though it’s hard not to because we just want you to be happy, you always try your best and talk to us with completely sincerity about more than we even have to know. Because of this, we have this closeness and trust in you that we have for nobody else. You are very practical and reasonable and that has created one of the most deep and lasting families I’ve ever known to exist. We know that we have you to both laugh, but also to be direct and open with, just as you are to us, and it is one of the greatest feelings in the world knowing that we have that. Some people in their lives never experience that, and even though we may not know you personally, it is just enough knowing that you are there. Similarly, I know that you are a place of calmness and comfort for your members. It’s taken me no time to see that your members gravitate towards you, even if they just need a shoulder to cry on. Even though I’ve only been a Universe for a year, the fact that you are so selfless that I have become familiar with it in just a short period of time is astonishing. I’ve seen several instances, even just recently, where they’ve gone to you for consonance and you always know how to be there for somebody else. You are even there for people across the world who you’ve never met. You just know how to treat another person and you are one of the greatest friends and family members a person can have. I love that they can talk to you and when they might feel like they have no one else they have you. You have shaped them and made them who they are today and they would not have grown and become as happy as they are without you. It’s beautiful what another human being can be or do for another person, and you have changed so many lives even though you’re just one person. Only somebody so generous and heartfelt can have the effect and power that you’ve had on so many people. I want to personally thank your family and parents for raising you and instilling the proper values of kindness, respect, and honestly. You spread so much of that around, and I know that they had a huge impact on that. I know that they love you and watch you with the most proud of anyone, and they are so thankful for you. I’ve come to quickly know how much they mean to you as well, and I respect your relationship with them as well as them themselves all the same. Shinwon, I know that God brought you into my life for a reason, and even though I didn’t know about you right away, I’m grateful and lucky to have you in my life now. I have learned so much from you in such a short time and there is nobody I’d have rather have to look up to and grow from. With all my heart and soul, and on behalf on the Universe, I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done to inspire so many people around the world. All that you’ve done has impacted and changed somebody’s life in some way. Even if you think that it was insignificant, it has done something positive for somebody somewhere, and I hope that you are always aware of that. You have been through so much, and that is something else I also very quickly learned. You’ve worked hard and for such a long time, did not get the results that you were looking for. You’ve given so much to something that did not always give back, but you never gave up. That you have never lost faith despite years of questioning your profession and your confidence is an example and a life value that every human being can learn from you. You are seriously stronger and more hopeful than so many people that I know, and it takes a love for life and trust in your loved ones to not have given up as you haven’t. So many people in even less severe situations than you might have forfeit the goals, but you never did. You are a representation of your dreams coming true and it being possible to achieve anything. We hear that so much, and people very quickly lose belief in it, but you are living proof that is really is possible to find success in whatever you set your mind to. I am so lucky and honored to have become an official Universe just in time to see all of your years of hard work finally pay off and for you to get that first win that you always believed you’d get. This is just one of your dreams come true and I know you have many more. I am going to be there every step of the way that it happens. You teach everyone that if you are honest, take life one day at a time, have wholehearted faith, and have gratitude and love for those in your life that believe in you, you can go anywhere and make anything you want happen. With all of these selfless qualities, no one is more deserving of happiness and success than you. I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in your future. I am blessed that you came into my life and taught me more than I thought I’d learn. Thank you for sacrificing so much to make us happy just a little bit, even if it might have cost you some of your own. That should never happen and I hope you always have faith, trust, and love in us the way we do you. Thank you for the years of hard work, tears, doubts, and fears that you endured just for us. We could never ask for more. Please rest and remember to prioritize your happiness and well-being first because it’s enough that you are even in our lives. Never change because we love you unconditionally, exactly the way you are. I pray that this birthday brings you all of the blessings and fulfills you with all of the love and happiness that you so deserver forever and always. Please have the most fun surrounded by those that love you. Your art will always be legendary and treasured by us. Thanks for all of the precious memories and here’s to many more with you. Happy birthday, Shinwon, and we adore you so much.

  2. I love this duo so much! When they first showed this at the concert I was soooooo blown away! Someday I need real MVs for this, The Game and One Shot, because these songs need to be promoted like they deserve to be!

  3. this is fully and genuinely one of my favorite songs it’s so full of drive and energy and so… sweet? like it’s such a fun song about friendship ahdksjsjs

  4. Hui my words are going to sound meaningless up against how I really feel about you so I'm trying my best explain how much I genuinely mean this. I haven't been a Pentagon for very long so I still have so much to learn about the group! However, I've spent enough time to know how much you've changed my perspective on every outlook on life. I've never seen an idol quite like you. First off, I had the luxury of watching a few of your performances from 'Breakers' which was my first time really getting to see you perform by yourself. I didn't realize how beautiful your voice is. You have a range and an ability to sing that I haven't seen in a long time, and on top of that, you are an expert dancer. The most impressive part of all of this is that you have outstanding breath control. You are able to furiously dance while still belting perfect notes and that is not a skill that very many people have. You re born to perform and I can't believe I am so fortunate to be moved by such a unique and even rare performance execution. Next, I want to talk about the emotions that come out when you see. During 'Breakers,' I learned a lot about you just from how you present yourself on stage and I have been absolutely moved by the side of you that you shared on stage. I was moved to tears seeing all of the emotions you've felt in your years as an idol come out on the stage and I was speechless. It's not often that performers have the effect on me, but everything you've felt I could feel simply because you are an outstanding and authentic performer. As I said before, I don't even know that much about Pentagon yet and I can't wait to learn more, but I already feel as if I have an understanding of you because of your incredible performances. You have a voice of gold; within it existing strength, rawness, sincerity, emotion, and power of the rarest kind. On top of this you are a sensational dancer with so much intensity, yet so much control of every movement. This is not just your 'Breakers' performances, but every time you hit the stage you have this charisma and charm that tells a story and proves you are meant to be performing,. For connecting me to music and life in a way that I never have before, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so proud of everything that you've done in your years as in idol, whether that be individually, with Pentagon, or with TRIPLE H. I have to thank you for supporting all of your members and being their light when they didn’t have one. It is indescribably difficult to blend so many personalities into one, but not only have you brought them together, but you are one of the closest families I’ve ever know. They will grow and evolve into the people they were meant to be because of your unconditional love and support. You have changed their lives in more ways than any of us can even explain, and we are beyond grateful for that. Thank you for always showing up for your fans and constantly communicating with us despite your schedule. Being the people who you trust enough to share the ups and downs of your life with is the greatest honor. We don’t deserve your hard work, loyalty, and dedication to us in that you put into whatever you do. You are the greatest idol and friend we could have ever met. We believe in ourselves because of you, and I thank you for filling our lives with only the greatest of memories. We will always live a life honestly as you have done. I personally want to thank your parents and family for raising you and presenting you to us in this manner. I have seen personally hoe much your family means to you, and I have no doubt that they are your main drive to keep going when life gets hard. I know that they are the most proud of you than anybody and they always will be. Whenever you feel lost to the point of no return, please just remember that your family will always be there to guide you back home. They love you more than anybody else on this Earth and will always nurture you when you need it. You honor them with every action you take, and all they have for you is gratefulness. As Universe, we strive to be as loyal, loving, and determined as they are. We keep your family in our hearts as you do. I know how much you’ve been through and I know your journey hasn’t always been easy. You’ve struggled unnecessarily to get where you are, and though that happens in life it doesn’t make it any less painful that somebody like you has had to endure that. It hurts to see you go through any turmoil given how pure of a person you are, but I know we don’t even know the half of the feelings you may have had before. However, I can say on behalf of all of your loved ones that we are so proud of you for making it past all of these difficult times. It takes strength and perseverance of the highest degree to make it through what you have, and we know you’ve done so with great optimism. You are able to maintain enough positivity for you and your members when they need it, and this is why you’ve been able to make it through every hard times. Your dreams have slowly started to come true one by one and I know it is because hard work never fails you. You haven’t struggled for nothing, and I know you will only continue to rise in the way you deserve to. I thank you for teaching us how to also face our fears and never give up on ourselves or our loved ones when we are down. We can live with courage because of this. You are so one of a kind am I so proud to get to know you. I can't wait to get to know you even more and see where your musicality takes you in the future. I absolutely adore you Hui, and I hope you have the best birthday that you possibly can have with this pandemic going on. On top of this, I know you are in the military right now and I hope you are not overlooking yourself right now. I hope in some way, you are have some peace of mind. At the least I hope you are able to see yourself through your fans and look at the people who you’ve inspired. We are the best versions of ourselves because of you. Every day is a day to celebrate you, but especially today we commemorate the admirable young man you are and always will be. We are thinking of you every minute since you left and we eagerly await your safe return! Thank you so much for putting so much effort in to make so many people smile even for just a second. Thank you for sacrificing so much just to make Pentagon, your individual music, and so many more projects possible. Thank you for suffering through any pain, fatigue, hardship, concern, doubt, isolation, frustration, and so much more just to bring us the smallest bit of content. I hope you know how much it is paying off. On behalf of your friends, family, members, and fans, I want you to know how grateful we are for all of the positivity that you bring to the world when we really need it most. In this sense, I hope you never feel the urge to change who you are because we need people like you to encourage others to live their lives according to who they are. When they do this, they are much happier, and we learn this from you. You are perfect in our eyes, and beautiful inside out. We love you so much, I love you so much, and please have fun today! Above anything else, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay safe, and Happy Birthday Hui!!!! We will always support and love you!😘❤️🥰👑🎈🎂🎉🎁🎊

    We miss you!! We’re anxiously awaiting your return. Stay safe. ❤️❤️❤️

  5. i can still clearly remember how awe i was when they performed this, it was really unexpected and so good. this will forever be iconic YOU WILL BE FAMOUS, ik

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