Nina Kosaka Graduation Stream … I’m sorry I don’t know what to title this ;_;

the final stream……………….. ah.





"First Step Voice" Nina Kosaka

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LIVE – #KosaCast
ART – #KosakaDraw
MEMES – #KosaKusa
FAN NAME – HONEYS! My honeys~

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Millie Parfait ( ミリー・パフェ )

Enna Alouette ( エンナ・アルエット )

Reimu Endou ( 霊夢 遠藤 )


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✧Respect honey~ any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing (even speculations), etc. are not welcome here.
✧No spam or trolling. Just block, report, and ignore those honey~
✧No spoilers honey~
✧Please stay on-topic with the livestream honey~ I want your full attention!
✧Do not mention other VTubers unless I mention them first. That includes mentioning me in other VTuber’s streams honey~
✧You can chat in any language as long as the rules above are followed.

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  1. I was gonna leave a comment on the second part, but somehow there's less comments on this one so here I am! ❤❤❤ (also sorry if I repeat anything I've already said, my memory is terrible and I think I've cried all my brain cells out lol)

    Nina, I remember some time last year you said that vtubers saved you during the pandemic and at first I didn't get it cause I was in the middle of going through a really rough patch in my life, but now that I'm on the other side of that time; I get it. I realize now how much I needed a rock to lean on and to keep me company while I worked on healing myself. I will always treasure you and take the advice you have given to heart even when I hit another rough patch. So what I really want to say is; thank you Nina. You saved me and I hope one day I can give you the same kindness you have given me tenfold.

    Wherever your adventures take you, I pinky promise I'll be waiting eagerly to hear your voice cause I know we'll meet again (some sunny day🎶) hehe!

    Love you lots,
    Gege 🎰🐰❤

  2. последний раз так сильно плакала год назад… когда скарле пришла заплаканная, у меня тоже слезы появились на глазах… около десяти-15 минут прошло как я лежу тут с мокрыми глазами (кто лук режет до сих пор???) обожаю тебя нина. спасибо тебе за все!!! желаю, чтобы ты была счастливой там, куда выбрала пойти. ♡♡♡♡

  3. We love you so much Nina Mama. Please take care of yourself, never forget that their's so many people who LOVE you, you'll always be in our hearts. I'll always miss you day and night, hope you do amazing in your life and always be healthy, make people smile or laugh like you always do, I love you Nina Mama. I really do. You'll always be in OUR hearts. Ethyria will ALWAYS be four!!❤❤❤❤ Please take care Nina Mama!!

  4. I forgot to comment yesterday but whatever, Nina thank you for giving the best advice. It's a small thing but for me it's a really big thing I appreciate so much,thank you for loving the hunnybunnies ❤we all will miss you,we all love you. Please be happy and have a safe journey in life mama, all of us are sad but all of us are gonna be fine we're gonna remember your advice and your words. I'm gonna miss you mom!! ❤️ You'll always be the #1 mom in nijisanji. Bye mom,stay safe, healthy and remember we all love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. I haven't known what to say and I still don't. But "If you love them let them go" works well right now. Wishing you a bright future Nina! Hope to see you on the flip side ❤️‍🩹

  6. Hey, Nina. I only caught bits and pieces of the stream live since I was away for the weekend. Watching the VODs to catch up though. I just wanted to say that I’m really going to miss you going forward, I’m even crying already. But wherever life takes you from here, my love and support go with you. I love you so much, Nina, and wish you nothing but the best. Goodbye, Mom!

  7. Watching the first half of the vod since I missed it! Im happy to have watched the entire thing now, thanks again! Also seeing you heart Pomu’s karaoke tweet the next day made me laugh and put me at ease. It’s like one of those secret ending cameos lmaoo

  8. I have listened to your words and love myself well, thank you. Meeting you makes me want to know the world. happy graduation my mom You are our eternal fox mom…

  9. I'm late because I was moving houses and couldn't watch her graduation on time but here is my goodbye comment for Nina, if you ever get to read it: if, like you said in one of your last streams, you ever come back to streaming, even if it's ten years from now, we will find you and we will love and support you more than ever before, and if you decide that it's best to part ways forever, know that you will always live on in our hearts, we will never forget you. Stop saying you're sorry for leaving and start saying you're welcome for all the great moments you gave us.

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