Underworld – Sola Sistim

A Hundred Days Off (2002) All work belongs to Underworld. To buy the album here’s the link: http://www.underworldlive.com/store/cds?page=2#!/109396

  1. Can you believe that I just discovered this masterpiece? Im sad that I didnt listen it before, at the same time happy that I know I’ll listen it until I die🤍

  2. How I love a well done mash-up. Another one that is really good is Van Halen/Jackson 5's Dancing Machine. Also Monkees/Beatles Paperback Believer.

  3. Was the drum shuffle lifted sampled or live performed for the track? Anyone know? Either way, it's an absolutely perfect shuffle for this track.

  4. I first heard this hauntingly beautiful song on an episode of QAF. A guy had just discovered his boyfriend was cheating on him, this gem captures the mood perfectly.

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