이민호 Lee Min Ho – Magic Alive

이민호 Lee Min Ho イ・ミンホ 李敏鎬 Ли Мин Хо
All photos owner is Lee Min Ho and MYM ENTERTAINMENT / DAZED
Video owner is DAZED KOREA
Please follow and subscribe to LeeminhoFilm channel
✅ https://www.youtube.com/leeminhofilm
✅ https://www.youtube.com/MYMENTOFFICIAL

Audio: Dmitriy Rs, John Reyton and Infinyx – Magic Alive (long mix by Zindagi)

#LeeMinHo #이민호 #ЛиМинХо
#ActorLeeMinHo #李敏鎬
#イミンホ #minoz

  1. Esse é o ❤❤ muito querido por todos nós 🙏 parabéns ❤️ felicidades sempre para você ❤️❤️ vc e especial para todos 🙏💞❤❤❤❤❤

  2. Super Nova star. ❤ I love LMH modeling videos the most. He is so composed and serious while posing. 🥰❤️‍🔥💕

  3. Sempre tão elegante Lee min ho . Ele gosta de ser lindo , ele sabe o que fazer para ser e permanecer lindo , ele sabe que é amado ele conquista a todos com o seu olhar cativante e sedutor . Eu amo tudo isso nele 😂 💓💓💓😍

  4. One of his best ever photo shoots, Fendi seems to bring out the best in him. LMH has got to be one of the most beautiful men in the world. Love you way you’ve edited this, thank you for sharing ❤

  5. LeeMinHo🌹 – Non ti paragonare a nessuno. Tieni la testa sempre ben alta e ricorda: non sei né migliore né peggiore, semplicemente sei Tu!…E questo nessuno lo può superare. Pensa come un adulto, vivi come un giovane, consiglia come un anziano e non smettere mai di sognare come un bambino. Ama senza pretendere, parla senza offendere, ascolta senza giudicare. Perché questa distanza non diminuisce l'importanza…. !!!

    LeeMinHo🌹 – Don't compare yourself to anyone. Always keep your head held high and remember: you are neither better nor worse, it is simply You!… And no one can surpass this. He thinks like an adult, lives like a young man, advises like an elder and never stops dreaming like a child. He loves without pretending, speaks without offending, listens without judging. Because this distance doesn't diminish the importance…. !!!

    이민호🌹 – 누구와도 비교하지 마세요. 항상 머리를 높이 들고 기억하십시오. 당신은 더 낫지도 나쁘지도 않습니다. 그것은 단순히 당신입니다!… 그리고 아무도 이것을 능가할 수 없습니다. 어른처럼 생각하고, 청년처럼 살고, 어른처럼 조언하고, 어린아이처럼 꿈꾸기를 멈추지 말라. 가장하지 않고 사랑하고, 기분 나쁘게 하지 않고 말하고, 판단하지 않고 들어라. 이 거리가 중요성을 감소시키지 않기 때문에….!!!

  6. Thank you by Zindagi🙏Masterful Lee Min Ho. My admiration for this young man is growing day by day. What a great job. His success is deserved. I can't wait to see it again on screen. But there you have it, you have to wait again.Sarangheayo Lee Minho🫰💞🥰 Annyonghaseyo of France🇲🇫

  7. I Love you always so much 🫶 my wonderful, Lovely and cute sweet smile angel Leeminho 🫶

  8. Спасибо за видео жизнь преобразилась обрела звук и краски не устаю восхищаться волшебным голосом прекрасного Ли Мин Хо Счастья и новых творений❤ ❤

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