Kim Tae-hee learns how to parent for the first time | Hi Bye, Mama! Ep 15 [ENG SUB]

It’s bittersweet and poignant to watch Kim Tae-hee learning to parent alongside Lee Kyoo-hyung. If only life had given them more of these sweet moments. 😢

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  1. This is actually one of my favorite scenes in this whole series, doesn't mean I hate Minjeong but looking at Yuri-Ganghwa always makes me feel sad. Thank God Ganghwa can eventually let her go and made up with Minjeong at the end :')

  2. This "What If" is what we really want for the main characters to have, but faith is mysteriously not in our favors for a lot reasons. This scene shown that even in the face of reality, no matter how harsh it is, we always seek or imagine how would things were would be.. Thats also how regrets exist..

    This scene is strangely sad to watch although its show how their faith would be if Yu-Ri just decided to go back home. Its happy right. But then this is just an imagination.

    This ending is interestingly possible if the show consider time traveling circumstances which isn't part of the show's realm. The title would also not make sense, if Yu-Ri didn't went up to heaven..

  3. It hurt so much. It was so unfair to her.
    She just wanted to hold her baby and be there for her. It breaks my heart 💔 I'm no mother but this thought destroyed me. Was it too much to ask?

  4. It's about a mother's love for her child.
    Yuri 's mom loves her just as she loves her daughter. This show was fully based on a mother's love for her child :'')

  5. ถ้าเป็นแบบนี้เราว่าพระเอกคงมีความสุขมากกว่านี้😭

  6. 😭 los que hemos pasado por situaciones en las que no pudimos continuar compartiendo estos lindos momentos con nuestros bebes lloramos mucho con esta serie y estas escenas😭😭

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