[ENG] 트와이스 TWICE – Sana & Chaeyoung Instagram Live 230622 Dallas (subs soon)

Pretty, cutie, sexy, handsome and gorgeous Oncse, Jellies ~

  1. 14:22 SN: What if there's a lot of me like this? Do you think it'll be hard?
    CY: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    SN: Chaeyoung-ah, Chaeyoung-ah, Chaeyoung-ah! Play with me! Chaeyoung-ah!
    CY: That's going to be crazy!

  2. 17:51 SN: Gelato ice cream really delicious
    CY: And you ate alone?
    SN: You weren't there so… You should've played with me, if you knew I'm eating alone
    CY: I didn't even know you alone!
    SN: Wasn't even interested?!
    CY: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    SN: Good at pretending to be interested.. oh my fr.. (actress Sana chan^^)
    CY: Buy me gelato 😉
    SN: Really? I'll buy it for you if you come with me 💜
    …I know you won't go
    CY: Noooo, it's not
    SN: Really? Okaay!

  3. 7:28 CY: Isn't this you?
    SN: Which one?
    CY: This flower
    SN: Alcohol free?
    CY: Isn't it your style?The New Rules?
    SN: I thought you just gave a spoiler (MiSaMo???)
    Pretty, pretty, yum~ Pretty, pretty

  4. 8:22 SN: Yoo Jeongyeon, you too come in!
    Jeongyeon ask Chaeyoung to do that.. this..
    CY: I don't think Jeongyeon will come. Jeongyeon removed her makeup
    SN: Jeongyeon you're pretty even if you removed your makeup! Come in hurry ~

  5. 多くの人は帰宅後すぐにシャワーを浴びることに慣れていない
    直ちに洗えば得られるものに集中してみよう 最大の利益は「余裕、安心感」
    それに集中してみよう プレッシャー、ストレスは忘れられる
    堅い話にごめん 🙇🏻

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