Gfriend Yuju Ultimate High Note Compilation

I tried to include all Yuju’s high notes but there are just too many !

  1. Its so sad that she wasnt an idol during the 2nd gen of kpop, she wouldve excelled. GGs nowadays are so visually focused that singing abilities are literally subpar

  2. I don't know why people always say that wendy is the best main vocalist in the 3rd generation when yuju is way up there than wendy, and i think solji is the best when it comes to the main vocalist material.. not hating on wendy but i think joy and seulgi voice is better than wendy, it is just wendy can do high notes well but for me it is normal because her upper register is strong.

  3. ela tem a melhor voz dessa geração! só não consigo entender como ela não é tão reconhecida como devidamente merece… essa voz vale ouro! são 04 horas da manhã e eu estou chorando de emoção por ter o prazer de ouvir uma voz tão bonita dessas!

  4. Everybody's ranking there Idols as the "best vocalist" nowadays – comparing techniques, belts, high notes – but few were brave and honest enough to acknowledge the fact that Yuju was once at the TOP and today as one of the BEST Vocals that's ever grace the Kpop industry. She was THE THREAT among the Third Gen and one of the REASON why your Idols today are hitting those high notes. She was also one of the bravest Idols to hit her notes Live one after another that you can make a whole compilation out of it. The current Yuju may not be the same as back in the days and I KNOW it is for her own good to live her life by her own choice, but NEVER EVER forget the Fact that the young version of herself shook the whole Kpop industry with her Vocals.

    p.s. I do not intend to compare other vocalist with Yuju as they are all uniquely different on their own. I just wanted to highlight and remind all fans and non-fans, including the antis, how Yuju became one of the greatest main vocalist in the Kpop Industry.

  5. luckily she hasn't regressed that badly, so her vocals can go back as she was in Gfriend 2015-2017, because her vocal trainer is back😍😍

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