EP. 13 결승선까지 내가 옆에 있을게 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD

아시아 네 번째 지역인 마닐라. 도겸은 서울에서의 첫 공연부터 마닐라에서의 마지막 공연까지 자기관리를 성실하게 해내며 세븐틴의 월드투어를 이끌어왔다.

매번 공연이 끝나면 오늘의 공연을 되새기며 반성하기도 하지만 공연이 시작되면 그 누구보다 공연 자체를 즐길 줄 알게 된 모습이다. 그는 그렇게 이번 월드투어를 통해 가장 성장했고, 본인의 한계를 뛰어넘었는데.. 무대에 대한 애정과 멤버들에 대한 사랑이 남다른 도겸의 이야기를 들어본다.

The fourth region for the Asia Tour, Manila. DK has diligently taken care of himself during SEVENTEEN’s World Tour, from their first concert in Seoul up to their show in Manila.
When a show is over, he may take time to go through the performance and look back on himself, but now he has learned to truly enjoy his time on stage. Through this World Tour, he has grown the most, and overcome his own limits…
With an incomparable amount of love for the stage and for his members, we hear DK’s story.

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SEVENTEEN Official Fancafe: http://cafe.daum.net/pledis-17

ⓒ Pledis Entertainment. All Rights Reserved


  1. 항상 세븐틴의 펌프같은 존재? 본인도 힘들텐데 항상 웃고 있고 겸이가 웃는 모습을 보고 있으면 주변 사람까지 행복해짐 그리고 노래 넘 잘하고 셉둥이들은 13명이 한 사람도 빠지지 않고 다 모여야
    그 진가를 100%발휘하는 것 같음💙💘

  2. I cried alot while watching this, aside from seeing him get sad or dissapointed because he was dissatisfied by his own performance but because he is incredibly relatable, in my state atleast. I'm a singer myself and i once cried while practicing one time, i always perfectly get high notes, i can sight read and i learn fast but that time, for some reason i couldn't perfect it, my teacher who was teaching me the right way to sing it was quite dissapointed at me because i wasn't always like that. I was incredibly dissapointed at myself. I cried mid practicing, even though the others comforted me by saying that I was doing really well didn't comfort me in the slightest, i don't believe in any of that, because for me, i guess you can call me a perfectionist, i want the way I sing satisfies me and the audience. But why was I the only one dissatisfied even though the people cheered for me and praised me? I don't think that was enough. I don't think that's my best performance.

  3. PRECIOUS, GENUINE AND ANGEL VOICE,SUNSHINE , CONSIDERATE .KIND AND NICE…EXTREMELY TALENTED is what I would describe dokyeom..MY BIAS I wish I would tell him he is a star…a literal star in the sky of carats
    Tge vocal.unit song habit made me so emotional I was like wooooooooow how can some 1 sing this way ( they all nailed it) I wish I would tell him I am cheerful when I listen to his voice ,the passion and emotion in every song is beyond Gold

  4. It's my 2nd year anniversary with them and I have decided to watch HTR again , made me fall for them all over again. I'll see you again soon my solace:)

  5. i love dokyeom’s hype and bubbly personality sooo much but i just can’t unsee that behind all these brightest smiles there’s another side to seokmin that some ppl tend to overlook. there are moments when his lack of self-confidence and perfectionism kick in and it breaks my heart to see him being so critical towards himself yet it’s also one of the reasons why i relate to dk on many levels and sometimes i just wish that i could tell him how much him just existing and being there means to me and im sure also to all the carats around the world🥹⚔️ 도겸 씨, 고생 많이 했고 정말 잘하셨어요~

  6. 도겸이 목소리는 뭔가 그 노래의 감성을 그대로 들려주는듯해 ❤
    너의 목소리를 들을수 잇음에 너무 감사해❤

  7. DK has the best singing and most powerful voice in his generation of idols. It's not JK. That power and range will allow him to sing any type of song. Don't allow the producers to abuse your instrument while other members are freeloading on your voice. You are unknowingly hurting yourself every time you go up on stage. Age is also a factor. Plus, you don't get to sing in proper posture all the time since you are always dancing as a group. Ask the producers to rearrange the song.

  8. dk is indeed my definition of smile flower. a solace that i will always seek for. love u, dokyeomie! may your path be always filled of beautiful flowers 🙂

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