Healthy, (Nutrient) Wealthy and Wise: Diet for Healthy Aging – Research on Aging

(03:21 – Main Presentation) The Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasize eating more foods from plants, such as vegetables and beans, whole grains, and nuts. Learn more about health benefits of choosing a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables from Katherine Richman, MD, Medical Director of Thornton Radiology and Clinical Professor of Radiology at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. [10/2015] [Show ID: 29305]

Stein Institute for Research on Aging

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  1. Idk. My great grandpa lived to 100 on meat and potatoes. Plants are good but so are animal
    Products. I think the key difference is if you’re lazy and buy premade food. Just look at beyond meatless burgers. It’s way worse then a normal burger. Someone said it’s essentially dog food with tons of added stuff to make it look like a burger. It’s Much healthier to cook your own food. But some say oh beef or red meat is bad for your health but a lot of people live to their 90s eating red meat. It’s probably more like the beer and wine consumption study. Those that drank beer in the mean was healthier but it may not necessarily be the beer but that they did everything in the mean like eating better and exercise. And those that drank wine were healthier but it was also socioeconomic factors like finances and eating better. Rich people generally live longer cause they can afford better food and medical attention. I think they did annova or some statistics to account for variables to determine it wasn’t the alcohol but the socioeconomic and mean activities overall or something. Advanced regression statistics are key to understanding things otherwise you’d still believe women get paid less then guys and don’t take into consideration the plethora of other variables.

  2. I Feel blessed to be born in Such a traditional and Cultured Indian Family ……😊😊

    Since our Childhood , I had only egg
    , That too not more than 10 per year….now at 21 , I left egg..
    My Mom don't even eat egg..
    No meat , no Fish..💛💛

    We wake at 6
    Bath and Worship To God by lighting Deepa and pooja
    Have a Break fast, and a Lunch with Jowar roti or Wheat chapathi
    And rice……..m
    And a Life In a Village is awesome 👌 👍

    At Last – " May Body Structure Differ, But a soul in every creature is same…"

    So the difference between Human and animals or insects is Humans have conscious and Must follow Dharma…🙏🙏

    Man without Dharma, Is unfit to be human….

  3. In capitalism the goal is to make as much profit. Health should NOT be a bussiness. Dont go to the doctor if you can avoid it and try to be healthy as you can.

  4. More studies are needed on not only the source of milk but the processing.
    There are many remote parts of the world where unpasteurised milk (mostly goat's) and milk products constitute a considerable part of their nutrition. People go on to live long and healthy lives.

  5. ,,,however, if you need high protein, then there must be an alternative to this theory to balance the system. Perhaps instead of finding ways to endure carcinogenics, we should be removing those carsickness from the environment. Or perhaps both. It;s the combinations of food…and yes, there are people with Neanderthal DNA. Holistically understanding is the only valid way to study health. What else did these people eat and how long had they been eating these foods. KETO works to lower bad colesterals, lower and balance blood sugar, lower body fat, lower blood pressure and to maintain a healthy level…how do I know this? It;ls worked for me. It also cleared my head of brain fog. I do not digest carbs particularly grains properly. I can eat dairy of its high fat without reacting negatively to it. I'm lactose intolerant. Not everyone is the same. I've been vegetarian and I have been vegan. Keto is the most healthy way for me to eat. Clean food and water is number one, Balance,

  6. Is this woman serious?
    She doesn't even say what else the rats were eating, absolutely insulting
    There is zero proof that cancer cells can survive on anything other than glucose

  7. Im a gary and wont give up wild salmon either!
    Im all in with everything here otherwise. oh yeah….wont give up fruit oil either. wtf?
    olive oil! 😸

  8. Dr. Richmond did a great job and public service! She quickly moves through the presentation and gives a lot of good information referencing what other PB Doctors have done. And at the end gives some tips on how to start. One can simply search all the doctors she references and go to their websites or watch their YouTube videos. PB not only cures and reverses chronic diseases, it is also better for the environment. Great video so share with others who are concerned about their health.

  9. My grandma and grandpa lived well into their 90's and ate meat regularly. They did not OVER-CONSUME. They ate moderately. They would also eat cakes and pies that my grandma baked. Again, they didn't over-consume. They also ate a lot of fish, tomatoes, vegetables and fruits that my grandma grew in her garden (peaches and rhubarb). Also, lots of spices and herbs some of which she grew. Lots of sauerkraut, cabbage, garlic and onions — often raw. Grandpa liked to eat raw garlic in kosher salt. He liked to eat sardines right from the tin along with a shot of cold vodka. Grandma liked red wine and sherry. She enjoyed eating pickled pigs feet from a jar —-OFTEN! Her most favorite snack. (Yeeecchh!). They would eat fried eggs (chicken eggs), oatmeal and dark coffee with cream at almost every breakfast, sometimes with bacon. Gramps did smoke ciggies until age 70 then gave it up for good on the advice of his doctor (he was not a heavy smoker). And he still lived another 22 Years!varicose

  10. Excellent video packed with very useful information to arm yourself against all the modern diseases cancer obesity etc etc. Simple prescription go vegetarian and see the result yourself .

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