예성 ‘Small Things’ 비하인드 인터뷰 (feat. wave to earth 김다니엘)|SENSORY FLOWS|예세이 Special EP.01

🎵 The 1st Album [SENSORY FLOWS]
🎞️비하인드 인터뷰 #1 (feat. wave to earth 김다니엘)

예세이 [Yessay]
1. 예성이 말하다 [Yes]ung [say]s
2. 예술가의 성대가 들려주는 [예]술 에[세이]

1. [Yes]ung [say]s
2. An art essay, [Yes]ul es[say], narrated by Yesung’s artistic voice.

📌 매주 수요일 저녁 10시 업로드
New Episode Coming Every Wednesday at 22:00 KST
📌 비즈니스 문의 studiogagaofficial@gmail.com

#예세이 #Yessay #슈퍼주니어 #예성 #SUPERJUNIOR #YESUNG #미술 #전시
#sensoryflows #sensory_flows #smallthings #small_things

  1. Me encanta que ya tiene subtitulos en español. Muchas gracias y me gusta la forma en como explica todo y la manera de ver las cosas maravillosas. Abrazos desde Colombia 🇨🇴💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵🦋⚘️ estaré esperando cada canción de este nuevo álbum para seguir dando todo mi apoyo 🫶🏻🫰🏻

  2. 의심할 여지 없이 당신의 최고의 작품입니다. 네, 앨범에서 SM이 당신을 지원해줘서 기쁩니다. 나는 당신의 친구와의 관계에 동질감을 느낍니다. (제 절친과 저도 마찬가지입니다) 앞으로도 많은 성공을 기원합니다. 매우 자랑스럽습니다

    Sin duda es tu mejor trabajo. Sí, me alegro de que SM te haya apoyado en el álbum. Me identifico con tu relación con tu amigo (Mi mejor amiga y yo también somos así) Te deseo muchos éxitos en el futuro. Estoy muy orgullosa de ti.

    Gracias por los subtítulos en español

  3. 스페인어 자막을 포함해주셔서 감사합니다 영상 감사합니다 영상 정말 재밌게 보고 있고 자료도 정말 감사합니다 멕시코에도 빨리 전달되길 바라며 2월 콘서트를 위해 소년들과 여러분을 환영합니다 그들은 너무 기대되고 다시 한 번 내 인생에 있어줘서 고마워 예성
    gracias por incluir subtitulos en español gracias por tus videos disfruto mucho verlos y muchas gracias por tu material que espero me llegue pronto a mexico y bienvenidos los chicos y tu en febrero para su concierto son muy esperados y nuevamente gracias por estar en mi vida yesung

  4. Gracias por los subtítulos en español 💞

    Me emociona mucho que haya encontrado a un amigo con el cual se entienda en lo musical y personal…siempre he pensado que Yesung encaja artísticamente más en Europa…estoy orgullosa de que se pueda desarrollar de la forma en que le gusta.

    Por favor cuida de tu salud y come saludablemente, disfruta de la vida 💞

    Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱💙

  5. ✨Hurray for weird people🧚‍♂️✨
    I wish I could also meet another infj (I'm one too, I'm intrigued by psychology). I've got so many questions: what are your favorite music groups? Songs? Maybe a certain decade? I like the 60's and 70's for example.💡You should do a Q&A!

  6. 사랑받고 싶었고
    존중받고 싶었고.' ' ' .'
    이 마지막 멘트가 가슴이 아프다ㅠ
    세상에 당신을 너무 사랑하고
    존중하는 백배 천배의 사람들이 더 많다는것.
    작은 커뮤니에서
    사랑받지 못했었던 건
    우주 먼지같은 일어난 일들이엇다고…
    사실은 세상 사랑받는

  7. 終於有時間看影片,上星期真的忙死了。還在等後續專跟SMini,如果不是你,我應該一百年都不會買實體專😂
    專輯真的很好聽,我每天的生活就是點開KKBOX聽藝聲的正規專輯,4 seasons總是讓我想跳華爾滋❤

  8. 일 끝내고 저녁에 와서 매일 유튜브에서 예성 검색해서 들었던 노래 듣고 또 듣고
    예성의 흔적들과 자주 만나면서 음악과 진심에 더 많이 공감하게 되고 좋아하게 되네요🫶🏻

  9. Aku senang akhirnya yeye dapat mengintepretasikan apa yang selama ini ingin ia interpretasikan. Aku melihat kebahagiaan itu dari tubuh nya. Khususnya mata nya 💙

  10. Tan deacuerdo con Daniel, Yesung con esta serie de discos ha demostrado ser un Artista de principio a fin porque crea, transforma y embellece su arte. Ahh mi Yesung estoy más que orgullosa.

  11. 有一天早上我放著floral sense整張專輯,那時我什麼也沒做,就是專心的聽歌,我感受到了細微的情感流動,而那些讓我感到很幸福。

  12. I like that you talk about your album, always with your emotions, your naturalness and simplicity. You want to show us how you feel, the moment you feel it in your own words. I'm very moved, I really like your album "Sensory Flows". It's your universe, with your own daily emotions.

  13. I am very moved when I listen to you because I feel your emotions, your sensitivity. You are a great artist for me. This album is like you, it's you with your different sensibilities, your tenderness, your passion in everything you do, what you want to do.

  14. You are passionate and you do everything with your heart ❤️, and lots of love. I like this sincerity, and this naturalness, my angel 🤗🫶🏻. I am very happy that you were able to express your emotions, your sensitivity, your own artistic sensitivity through this album.

  15. I can discover you a little more, and I feel like I am closer to you. You also give me a lot of strength and comfort in times when I am not well. I will always be near you, to support you, comfort you and tell you that every dream comes true.

  16. It’s so interesting to know the person you worked with on the album. Now I love the song “Bear Hug” a lot more after I watched this video💙🧸💙 Hope to hear you sing the song at the Japan concerts in June!

  17. I haven't been able to watch your videos for a while, but from now on I'll have more free time and I'll finally be able to watch them all. That makes me happy. I'm going to try to watch one or two a day, so be prepared to get a comment on every video! I'm sure I'll love them. I know you prepare these videos with a lot of love, you put your heart into them, just like in your songs. 😻💙Thank you for this wonderful album. I've been going through some very bad months, but you and your songs are healing me. I'll never again allow my smile to stop blooming, I'll never again allow anyone or anything to put out my light. ✨ Love and support from Spain.

  18. Yesung Oppa, I really love you, your songs, your voice, your face, your attitude. You stole my heart. Now, I want to spend my whole life being as a fan of yours.

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