EP. 07 함께 걷는 이 길 | SEVENTEEN : HIT THE ROAD

북미 투어 다섯 번째 도시 휴스턴. 리허설을 끝낸 멤버들은 시차는 적응했지만 체력적 한계는 여전하다고 말한다. 공연 전까지 멤버들은 에너지를 비축하는 각자의 방법으로 시간을 보내지만 지 치고 힘든 건 여전하다.

그럴 때마다 승관은 각종 영양제를 가져와 멤버들을 챙긴다. 이제 멤버들을 챙겨주는 건 특별하지도 새롭지도 않은 일상이자 습관이 되어버렸다고 말한다. 그 누구보다 멤버 들을 걱정하고 보살피는 승관. 그는 어디에 있든 13명과 함께하는 지금 이 순간이 가장 소중하다고 말한다.

Houston, the fifth city in SEVENTEEN’s North American Tour. After rehearsals, the members say that even though they’ve adjusted to jet lag, they still struggle to maintain their energy. Before the show, each member tries to save energy in their own way, but nonetheless they face exhaustion.

Whenever the members are struggling, SeungKwan takes care of them with his assorted supplements. For him, taking care of the members is nothing special or new but a routine. As a member who worries and cares for other members the most, SeungKwan believes that wherever he is, the moment he shares with the 13 members is most precious.

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  1. I could write a whole book about Seungkwan.

    I really love everything about him, there's nothing not to love about Boo.

    I admire him and adore him for always taking care of himself and his members. He's such a precious person,
    Seungkwan always makes sure to take care of his members, himself, even carats. Wether he's feeling well or not, he's always there for others.
    If I didn't know he was one of the youngest, I'd have thought he's the oldest one. Seungkwan has so much responsibilities, being the mood-maker, taking care of others, being one of the main vocalists, making sure Seventeen takes care of themselves, taking care of himself, etc.

    We always see him being all happy, bubbly, funny, in a good mood. But we'll never know how he actually feels inside, behind the scenes. I feel like he's so conscious of how he acts in-front of the camera, always tries to keep his bright image. But I don't think that everything about his bright image is fake, I don't think so. I feel like his actual personality isn't that far off his camera personality. Tho, we'd probably never catch Seungkwan showing his other side, and It's okay. I feel like he has more vulnerable, quieter side of him, because, c'mon, you can't be happy 24/7, 365. But if he doesn't want to show CARATs his maybe 'real' side, the side of him that we've never seen, It's perfectly fine. I don't think there is a person who shows their real personality to everyone, every single person has their own secrets, that they don't want to show, even to their closest ones.

    I honestly admire his sensitive/emotional side, it shows that he has feelings like everyone else in this world and I don't think he should be ashamed or embarrassed of that.

    By the way, I don't think all of us would've thought that Seungkwan likes to spend some time alone, feels lonely sometimes. But I think a lot of CARATs weren't surprised much by this, because he's just a human being, who has bad days, like all of us do.

    There's one GOSE episode, I think it's the roulette one, where members divided into groups to do different missions and Boo got in a group with one of the quietest members of Seventeen, Vernon and Minghao. Their mission was to speak all the time, and they did, but surprisingly the ones that talked the most were Vernon and Hao. I think that shows, that Seungkwan can adapt to whatever situation is, even if it's with quiet members. We know that he's a loud extrovert, but in that episode it showed that, he could adapt to the quiet atmosphere. By the way I'm talking about before they started they mission I think. Maybe he wanted to give the other two spot, instead of having to to the talk by himself. I think there's also one TTT episode, where he's with Vernon and Cheol (I think?) and despite being one of the loudest members, he was quite quiet when they were going to the TTT house. So I think he's able to adapt to different situations and that's also admirable.

    So I hope one day, if he's comfortable, he'll show us the sides of him that we've never seen, but if he doesn't feel comfortable, he doesn't have to force himself.

    And please, i LOVE his mischievous trouble maker personality so much too.

    Seungkwan's not only a comedian or a mood maker, he's an artist with beautiful voice, an emotionally vulnerable, sweet, sensitive, caring, admirable and an amazing human being.

    I could write so much more if english was my first language and if I was more mature, but for now I don't really know what to add, even though I'd want to write soooooo much more.

  2. It is really true that those people who you see smile, laugh, talk, and make jokes a lot of the time are the one who are really in pain and suffering.
    I remember that vice Ganda also says this kind of thought on one of the interview. It is indeed a fact that comedians or a person can suddenly feel the emptiness within them. They will suddenly get depressed without any reason, or maybe there was a reason but they cannot figure out or they are indenial.
    Some says that Seungkwan is not being true to his self in this interview, but from my perspective, those are the words that he truely wanted to say. We've been in the same situation, and I can feel what he felt.
    Sometimes or most of the time, people will misinterpret your character because you have a lot of personality. They will say that "you should be true to yourself, show off the real you", but little did they know that even you, yourself doesn't also know who you really are. It does happen a lot of time, especially to a person who is like Seungkwan. Someone who's silently fighting on his own depression.
    It's really hard. It's really really hard. It's hard to keep everything within you. It's hard to be alone and think of everything you've been through.

  3. 우리의 소중한 승관이. 그는 항상 우리를 위해 열심히 일하고 있어 🧡 그가 받을 자격이 있는 끝없는 사랑을 줌으로써 우리가 감사하게 하자 🙏 나와 다른 많은 사람들이 너를 사랑해, 그것을 잊지 마! 내 인생에 와줘서 너무 고마워 .사랑해🌸

  4. 자기관리 잘 하는 모습으로 끝남
    뿌야는 진짜 말재주도 좋음
    글고 감정뿌인데 감정적으로 나오는 거
    갠적으로 괜찮아보임 오히려 묵혀서 병 만드는 것보단 나음 글고 넘 귀여워💙

  5. seungkwan is one of those member with the most packed schedule since he went here and there on variety show to promote seventeen and of course he would be exhausted the most yet he still able to cheer up and taking care of other members🥺 indeed a sunshine

  6. Listening to seungkwan talk about his depression really hit hard for me because i used to feel and still feel that way. Its good to see an idol open up about it since this is a very heavy topic and takes a lot of courage to talk about. Proud of you seungkwan. Fighting❤

  7. 승관아 다른 멤버들도 항상 챙겨줘서 진짜 노무 고마워 근데 너 몸 챙기는게 제일 중요한거 알지?? 진짜 세븐틴은 그 누구도 빠져서는 안될 소중한 존재야 힘들면 조금 쉬고 우리 오래보자 항상 고마워ㅜㅜ

  8. После выхода тизера In the soop я пришла пересмотреть этот эпизод. Сколько времени Сынкван скрывает свои истинные чувства… Очень хочется чтобы он ставил себя превыше других, но личность Сынквана этого не позволит. Хочу чтобы он был счастлив и улыбался не потому что так надо, а по настоящему(((

  9. I wish for seungkwan that he doesn't feel like he has to work out after eating 1 slice of cake Its so sad to see that he blames himself for stuff like this😔

    Your allowed to eat Seungkwan you are not fat what so ever you can eat some tasty stuff when you want from time to time We all do

  10. 한국어..참 찾기 어렵네요 승관아 우리는 너가 어떤 길을 가도 함께할거고 슬프고 기쁜일이 있으면 공감해주고 위로해주고 축하해줄거야 그러니까 혼자생각한 일이 안풀리면 언제든 찾아와 우리 캐럿은 항상 어디에든 있어 그러니까 고민을 혼자 생각하는건 좋지만 어려명이서 풀어나가는 것도 좋잖아? 그러니까 요즘 힘들면 우리 어깨의 기대 나 어깨 넓다? ㅋㅋㅋ 알았지? 사랑해 승관아!! -이캐럿

  11. I think they had covid at the time but they don’t know its covid because the outbreak only known in February 2020. This tour was January. Most of them got sick during this tour.

  12. my beautiful boy, I hope you know that we love you so much. I wish it was in my power to make sure the universe is kind to you at all times but I hope you feel my love and care from so far away somehow.

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