Why Chaewon Chosen As Leader? #lesserafim

#lesserafim #chaewon #leader

Why Did Hybe Choose Chaewon To Be Leader?

1. Age & Experience
2. X-Factor

le sserafim
kim chaewon
le sserafim chaewon
leader chaewon
le sserafim leader
le sserafim kim chaewon

  1. they chosed the leader than the oldest to be the leader because,leader is in duty to take care of the members and the oldest will be the one who take care of leader when the leader got sick or what.

  2. Chaewon, along with IVE Yujin, were proteges of the best leader in KPOP Girl Groups. She learned the trade from the best. That combined with experience and her own personality made them chose her to lead the group, imo.

  3. I feel like she would be the best leader even if it was a 3 member group and le sserafim is one of the most healthy group and I’m saying in general that there a healthy group

  4. Jesus loves you all, He died on the Cross then rose again to save us from sin, He is Lord, Please repent and get right with Him before its too late.

  5. it’s kinda fucked up that if Sakura wasn’t japanese, she would’ve been the leader. Like, I totally understand why they choose Chaewon, but i think Sakura has more experience

  6. I’ve been following Kpop for 15 years now and there are only 5 groups with a foreigner leader and one of them is Victoria from F(x) she did a great job tho.

  7. yes chaewon is doing so well but i personally thought sakura has more experience than chaewon; she had promoted for 10+ years and did stuff before iz*one. she has the entertainment industry experience plus life experience as the oldest so its a two in one.

    * chaewon is doing good though and we know she can lean on sakura if needed.

  8. In the documentary she proactively asked to be the leader lol but I think they agreed to give the position because of what this video is saying

  9. And also sakura already told hybe the time she signed the contract that she doesn't want to be the leader since she knows that usually the oldest becomes the leader. She said that in Knowing Bros latest episode.

  10. In Le Sserafim’s guesting in Knowing bros, Sakura said that when she joined HYBE she requested a condition, that is not to make her the leader.

  11. Sakura said that before she signed her contract, she had one condition, that they shouldn't choose her to be a leader. She said she didn't wanna be the leader

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