[K-Fancam] 투모로우바이투게더 연준 직캠 ‘어느날 머리에서 뿔이 자랐다 (CROWN)’ (TXT YEONJUN Fancam) l @MusicBank 210625


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  1. Choi Yeonjun. I will start by talking about your musicality, more specifically, your voice. Your voice when you sing is full of so much soul and rhythm. You have so much passion and groove in your voice that it completely ignites every song you sing. I love that you sing with so much emotion as well and that leads your songs to resonate more with your MOA. Your voice is so sultry and sensual, and you have such a natural charm when you sing. Sometimes it is your raps that define the nature of a specific song because they are always so innovative and electrifying. I love that you also infuse vocals into your raps as well; which expands your capabilities and opens up different rapping techniques for you. I know since you were little you’ve had an affinity for dancing and it was the first activity that you’ve given you’re all to. Your body becomes one with music and there is no limit to how you tell a story. You become the most realistic Yeonjun anybody will ever see when you dance because it makes you feel liberated and unbreakable. You treat each little gesture, each little signal as if they are crucial to the entire choreography, which of course they are. It is in your blood and you were destined to become the radiant dancer that you are now. You have completely revolutionized the art of dancing and its significance in personal identification. In all, we don’t want to pressure you at all with this term, and I know how it makes you feel, but there are no words to describe you other than ‘4th generation It-Boy.’ You’re defining our culture more with each passing day and your artistry through dance, music, and fashion is simply breathtaking. You are absolutely legendary already and your advancements towards art in this world will forever be relevant and imperatively consequential. As much as I love your musicality, I love your personality as well. Even when you’re fatigued, you are able to keep yourself active enough to get through a day. You also have an absolutely gold sense of humor. From your perfectly timed Dad jokes to your spontaneous dancing, every moment with you causes a smile that remains frozen on our faces. I love your passion for fashion, and that you choose how to dress regardless of how society expects you to. Most significantly, you are extremely compassionate and open to every person you meet. I know you’ve known your members long before your debut and you’ve been together all throughout your trainee days. You have always had this instinct to shield them from any pain or difficulty and this has already established a lifelong foundation of trust for your members. You highlight and compliment all of the traits of your members that give TXT diversity as a whole. You are a safe place from them to stay and to return whenever they need you. Because there is never a dull moment, your members are always laughing and you can turn an uneventful day into an unforgettable one for them in a moment. No matter the situation you always ensure that they are happy and healthy before even thinking of yourself. You look up to them and learn from them as they do to you. I know that they will stay forever young because of you I love that you treasure each day with them and every second is a moment for you to fill their hearts with happiness. Thank you for raising them and becoming their brother for life. No matter where they go, you will be in their hearts. Thank you for changing their lives, and for providing them with the best memories that will forever guide them. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and helping you to become the lively and spirited young man that you are today. I know how much you look up to them and they are the ones you want to work hard for the most. Though it’s troubling to say it, there will be times later down the road where you will be completely lost. I only want you to remember your family in these times and how they live to give you all of the love they have for you. You might think the problem you have is too serious to solve, but there is nothing in this world that your family won't do to help you get through it. They love you more than anybody else and will always support you through all you have to go through. They look at you with the utmost pride and accomplishment. You honor them with all that you do and you excercise the principles they've raised you with. As MOA, we keep them in our hearts and we strive to be as selfless, affectionate, loyal, and determined in life as they are. Yeonjun, there is really nothing that you can’t excel in, but perhaps what you do the best is love your MOA. I know I can speak for many MOA in saying that you are like a best friend that we’ve known for years and of whom we will never part with. You only reserve these intimate conversations and interactions for when you’re with us, so it really feels like we are in our own secret world with you. There is no pain when we are with you; solely times full of healing and refreshing experiences. We talk, laugh, and play with you as if we are sharing the same space. It is the greatest honor to be the ones who you trust enough to share your life with day in and day out. We really love that you don’t feel like you hide yourself around us and we will work every day to make sure that we remain a home for you for the rest of our lives. Having you with us is enough for us to be happy, and I never want you to think you have to do more because you are all we could ever hope to have. Our greatest memories were made because of you and we will always treasure every second that we get to spend with you. Thank you for changing all of our lives and helping us recognize who we are. I know that you’ve been through a lot, both professionally and personally. I’ve heard you discuss of some of the hard times you’ve faced through accounts with your members and even through music. I could never imagine having to be in these situations you were in and I often question how the five of you, especially being so young, were able to make it past it all. I want to tell you on behalf of all of your loved ones that we are too proud of you for enduring all of this that we can’t even use words. Because you know you have people who love you all around, you’ve been able to make it out of whatever life has thrown at you. You are incredibly ambitious and you always aspire to achieve something. I noticed the little ways you keep yourself going; such as even having sayings as simple as, “I shouldn’t stop,” or “I can do it.” You teach us so much about how to take our frustrations and direct it towards making progress for self-control. We know you be okay regardless of what you have to endure. Thank you for teaching us how to live with bravery like yourself. I hope that this birthday makes all of your dreams come true and that you carry out all that you desire to. I hope you are able to see the countless hearts you’ve touched and the mentalities you've transformed with your emergence into our lives. If it is hard to see this, I hope you can look at yourself through the eyes of your MOA. This way you can look at yourself in the higest regard because we could not love you any more. I hope that those around you also help you to know how inspiring and essential you are for the happiness of so many. I hope that this day is one of the greatest you've ever had, and that you only make the best memories that you can look on with the most admiration. You deserve all of the success and blessings that come to you, and I know that there's only more to come! Please relax and spend the day doing only what makes you happy! Thank you for sacrificing so much to make TXT and so many of your other solo projects possible. Thank you for suffering through any pain, fatigue, hardship, doubt, isolation, stress, strain, injury, and so much more just to make the smallest bit of content possible. You once said, and I will never forget this, that you don’t thnk so many poeple love you because you are lucky. Rather, you think that you attract so many people because you are a good person. You said that if you are a good person, than good people will naturally come to you. This sentiment has changed me and opened my eyes to how pure you are, and how pure MOA has become. Only you help us to love ourselves and others, so it is with this that I say that I hope you never feel obligated to change who you are. I hope you don’t feel pressure to change who you are because you really are a wish come true. You are perfect and beautiful inside and out. We love you eternally and we can’t wait to always support what you do. Please don’t work too hard because you are already more than what we could have ever dreamed of. This world needs you, so I hope you continue to bring the hearts of the people who live in it together. I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe and find happiness and worth in your future. Happy birthday Yeonjun, and we adore you so much!

  2. Realmente o Yeonjun é incrível e foi essa energia positiva que ele transmite que o fez o meu favorito. Eu me identifico com ele em muitos aspectos, ele se tornou meu filho . I love you Yeonjun! BR/RJ

  3. 프로가 되고 난후의 어머뿔자는 진짜 감회가 새롭구나.. 이전보다 훨씬 노련해진 것 같아 뿌듯하면서도 19년도의 연준이가 겹쳐보이네.. 크게 성장한 것 같아서 너무 멋지다 우리 연준이 늘 응원해!

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