Lee Joon ● Jin SeYeon [ft. Lee JongSuk] crossover

Dedicated to wonderful StarGazerExo, the one who inspired me on this crossover. Thank you for my sleepless nights, love 😀

Another huge thank you goes to KatLoveStory, the one who inspired to use this song & editing style. You’ll get what I mean after watching this incredible video of hers

Song: Naughty Boy – No One’s Here To Sleep (feat. Bastille)
Coloring by xMysticFlame (#6)
Dramas: Doctor stranger, Gap dong, TVD

Joon falls for SeYeon at a 1st sight and starts to stalk her.
[he’s not a good guy in this story]
SeYeon is a doctor, who is dating her co-worker Jong Suk, they are happy together.
But Joon is not the kind to give up easily. He’s following her around, attend a hospital just to meet with her, but she rejects him. At first. With time she realizes that she can’t stop thinking about him, so she meets with him and makes a big mistake. SeYeon loves her boyfriend, so keeps everything in secret, but the guilt is eating her alive and she feels terrible. Still, she can’t deny the fact that Joon got under her skin. Poor girl is confused. But one day the truth came out. Jong Suk sees his girlfriend with Joon. He’s heartbroken. They break up.
SeYeon feels awful, but Joon is there for her. However, even when she’s with Joon, she can’t stop thinking about Jong Suk and with time realizes that she made a huge mistake. Jong Suk misses her too, he even gets drunks and calls her – she comes.
Joon sees what’s going on there and he becomes territorial. He controls every move of SeYeon and by the time he realizes that she’s about to leave him, takes a “death pill” and makes SeYeon choose whether she’s gonna save him or “kill” him.
So what’s gonna be? Will she save him? Or let him die?


  1. Просто невероятно насколько всё реалистично!Плюс я не смотрела эти дорамы, так что вы меня просто обезоружили и покорили. Всё очень здорово!))))Очень очень понравилось!

  2. OMG this is perfection ♥ ughh thank you, thank you so much for creating this /definitely goes straight to my fave!/
    now i want a Joon-Seyeon pairing so much in a drama together aishh what to do ~_~

  3. Ах, ти просто вбиваєш мене своїми кросоверами!!! Де ти тільки береш стільки фантазії? Я у захваті!!! Яка історія, які кадри, який монтаж!!! Як таке взагалі можна зробити???  дуже круто все обіграла, я наче фільм подивилась… Ну і… Хочу 2 частину!!! 
    Пісня важка по бітам, але ти чудово справилась!!! Дуже красива колорка))) Качаю кліп собі)

  4. Весьма неожиданно…. Полное ощущение реальности этих героев в одном дорамном мире… Браво!

  5. OH MY GOSH! this is so cool !i literally fangirl when im watching  this! this is just perfect! can i ask a question?did you always make the storyline on your crossover videos?

  6. I love this story, the creepy factor is amazing and I love the over all feel. It's just flawless and smooth, it looks liek a real drama. Omooo girl the ending, did she call??? Omooooo you left it so open >.< lol you are killing me xD

  7. I love, love, love the creepy vibe Lee Joon exuded in this crossover vid. The way he looks at Se Yeon with that sharp eyes of his, emitting sexual tensions all the time, just made me ship him with Se Yeon so hard. And Se Yeon had such a feeling of vulnerability in this crossover. She was like a very lovable girl with conflicting emotions and had got carried away by the heat of the moment. Lee Joon-Se Yeon pairing unexpectedly made me feel excited and thrilled. LOL. Great job editing this!

  8. Так.

    О Боже, это так в моём вкусе!! Песня просто муааа. Колор просто муааа. Кроссовер почти на 4 минуты?! Вот это мощь!!! Просто браво!
    Иииии…Ли Чжун? Чон Сок? Ну всё. Ты добилась своего #толькочтосноваумер
    Первые кадры с этой его экипировкой на лице-самые мои любимые кадры из всей дорамы, это так здорово, что они здесь присутствуют.
    Я ещё очень долго не решусь на кроссовер, они требуют так много сил! Мало того, что нужны все эти маски, так ещё надо и чувства показать… А тут и взгляды, и поцелуи, и прикосновения, ну просто прелесть. Вах вах** Да даже сюжет очевиден! Впервые Чон Сок мне показался лишним (прости, оппа Т_Т)
    В восторге от 1:321:35 и шикарные кадры на 0:19 и 1:15 Ну ты просто королева манипов!
     Шедевреально.В любимые)

  9. Seriously, I think this is still the best crossover and editing I've seen by Jin Se Yeon. It's really well made and the story's pretty interesting. 😀

  10. I honestly thin that they should redo this drama to be a love that tests time. The beginning of Doctor Stranger should be their past life. The whole script would be so much better if Lee Joon played some maniac who fell in love with a doctor. Just imagine how many episodes there would be. It would be a great melodrama too

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