What’s happening in Russia? Update from Niki (one year after the invasion)

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Russia invaded Ukraine more than a year ago. Today I’ll talk about what’s changed for people inside Russia since that day, and give a personal update on what’s happening with my life recently.

There are two major things that cause changes in Russia: western sanctions and actions of our own government. And while sanctions have influenced the economical situation of regular people, the real thing that changes Russia a lot isn’t the pressure from international community.

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00:00 intro

  1. Every human (and AI's and other species, as able to) should honestly and sincerely answer the enclosed questions in this copy and paste from my files:

    INDIVIDUALS IN A LARGER SOCIETY OF INDIVIDUALS: (copy and paste from my files):

    Accurately and honestly answer the enclosed questions in this file:

    Consider the following: (Whether human, AI, or other species):

    We appear to be individuals in a larger society of individuals. Whether it is an individual human in a larger society of humans, or an individual AI in a larger society of AI's, or an individual in a larger society of all species in existence throughout all of existence.

    What is 'best' for an individual, may or may not be what is 'best' for the larger society of individuals. And conversely, what is 'best' for the larger society of individuals, may or may not be what is 'best' for the individual.

    But, if a decision had to be made concerning a certain topic, of who's 'best' should take precedent over the other's 'best', who's 'best' should take precedent? If for an individual, which individual? All individuals? If for a larger society of individuals, which larger society of individuals? A certain group? A certain nation? A certain species? All species in existence throughout all of existence?

    And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide? Should I decide how you should exist? Should you decide in how I should exist? Should others decide how we both should exist? Should we decide how others should exist? And who even decides in how to decide? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide?

    And whatever is decided and by whom, there might be entities who are being forced to exist how they do not want to exist, which could be a source of animosity, which could lead to further violence and death.

    This whole natural tension between the individual and the larger society of individuals, who decides, and by what authority they and they alone get to decide, is the cause of much strife, suffering and death in this world.

    But still, while we consciously exist, how should we, individually and as a larger society of individuals, exist while we do exist? How should we help take care of the young, old, ill and needy, if even at all? How would we want to receive help should we be individually young, old, ill and/or needy, if even at all? How should those be treated who are being forced to exist how they do not want to exist? How should we treat others if we are being forced to exist how we do not want to exist? And who decides? And by what authority do they and they alone get to decide? And where does the money and resources come from to do what we would like to do for how we would like to exist while we do exist?

    It's all basically about who is in control, so as to make the decisions, for who's benefit. With all the consequences and ramifications, seen and unseen, of all of our collective choices.

    Then we all will still die in the end one day from something, we all will still forget everything we ever knew and experienced, and we all will still be forgotten one day in future eternity as if we never ever existed at all in the first place, regardless of how we all existed while we existed. An entity truly exists throughout all of future eternity, or they don't. It appears we don't in actual reality, and as such, all of life itself is all ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Death is freedom from life and eternal death awaits us all. Or so the current analysis would indicate.

    Individually and as a society of Individuals: For every moment that passes, one less moment being alive AND one moment closer to being not alive.

    * Added note: Current Analysis: Long Term: (Very Short Version):

    All life on and from this Earth is eventually going to die and go extinct. No exceptions at this time. This Earth and all on it are all just a waste of spacetime in this universe.

    (And note also, those who cannot, or choose not to, face the above apparent reality, often delude themselves with fairy tales of alternatives).

  2. It is very sad the people of Russia do not stand up for an unjust war. Many of those Russians who left Russia should be working to get their country back from a government who doesn't care about the lives of its citizens. There are those who don't blame or hold the people of Russia responsible but they are responsible for the crimes and destruction of Ukraine. Remember, the Russian army are made up of Russian citizens committing war crimes. The best outcome is the destruction of the Russia army so they can go back to Russia to take their own country back vs trying to take someone else's.

  3. Hi Niki, Keep your good work up. You are a delight to listen to. But how do you convince those who don't have a clue about the war? I guess you take them to the war front.

  4. Hiya Niki.good to hear and see you and that you are Safe, well,a deserved rest 😊.
    Looking forward to uploads.
    Stay safe 😊❤

  5. I thought there were restrictions in Vietnam. Which is cheaper to live month to month, Vietnam or Thailand? I think Thailand is a safer place for you.

  6. Niki please continue to inform us about Russia. I have been several times in USSR before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I speak a bit Russian. We, westerners are not capable to understand the thoughts and feelings of the Russian people, but you help us a lot

  7. The Ukraine invasion reminds me of the Vietnam War back in the 1960s. The US thought they needed to be there or the whole world would be communist. Nothing happened when they left and life in the US improved.

  8. Canadian here! Most of our governments have banned TikTok on gov't devices. I work for a school board and it's banned on my phone, so I no longer have the app. Good thing YouTube isn't banned.

  9. I have the same thing with my family. I live in the Netherlands and do not support this war. My parents are totally on the Putin's side, their TV is on 24/7 and they take it very personally that I don't agree with Russian's actions. I, on the other hand, cannot imagine how generally moral people like my parents can support and justify an act of obvious aggression. I can imagine how your mother feels😢

  10. hmmm sounds like what they do in canada and america, theyl jail u , seize ur bank account… better not be conservative or have conservative views in todays times.

  11. The big city Petersburg’s and Moscow people dont go to war for russia….the middle class people many have left the country since they didnt want to be mobilized. They see the woods between the forest. I’m glad you are happy, but i find you really haven’t acknowledge the atrocities your country has committed. You left so you weren’t gonna get mobilized….or get arrested..

  12. We subscribed for content. You don't post, you become irrelevant. We don't care about your emotions. It is your job, accept it or leave it.

    Bye – I unsubscribe now

  13. Have a second plan and country lined up when you head to South Korea. It and many islands and territories are likely to have overbearing background checks. Just to get a job in Guam, the want ads say " triple background checks to work here". They mean it literally.

  14. The Russian population just pretend to be Ostriches. But the country will suffer the more time passes. But Russians are used to a pesant serf life style. So no change.

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