EVERGLOW Yiren Forced Out Her Group? Moving Back To China After Controversy? #KpopShorts #Shorts

EVERGLOW Yiren Forced Out Her Group? Moving Back To China After Controversy? #thekpopswitch #kpopnews

  1. This is SUCH bullsh*t! Knetz need to chill out! Just because she is working in Korea doesn't mean she has to follow all korean traditions. I can't believe her company did this!

  2. Yiren was the reason I got into Everglow and became an OT6 Forever. Her lines in all the songs are super catchy and a breathe of fresh air to the fast paced songs. Yiren leaving or Everglow disbanding will definitely cause a huge downfall of 200% girl crush songs in kpop (i.e., if Blackpink doesn't make frequent comebacks). I have never come across a 200% girl crush group apart from Blackpink, Everglow and (G) I-DLE in recent times. Girl Crush is my favourite genre. But it's slowly fading away with the arrival of teenage crush especially when songs like Eleven and Wa Da Da still bring out that cuteness eventhough they are labelled as girl crush songs (even itzy does it too). And let's not talk about Aespa as they are SCI-FI, not girl crush according to majority of the fans.

  3. Well, if the South Koreans hate the Chinese so much, why not just pressure their government to cut all ties with China? There is no point for 2 countries that regard each other as enemies to carry on pretending that they are friends.

  4. to be honest, i am not surprised because it is noting new XD

    well… i have seen so many chinese do the same thing tho. also i have witnessed how chinese government destroyed taiwanese and hongkong entertainment industries.

    they break the contract illegally as soon as they got fame and start blaming other members of the team and company to make excuses for their betrayal. also starting chinese propaganda and acting extreme nationalist out of a sudden is a mandatory thing to get support from their government and people.

    this is why i don't think excepting too many chinese is not a good idea. oh handong in dream catcher is exceptional. she did her best for the team and never blame other members to make excuses for the betrayal like other chinese.
    JFYI, if they follow the contract which they signed up for already and don't make a mess to make excuses, everything is fine. nobody blames 🙂

  5. The other chinese idols did as Yiren for the new year and Knetz said nothing. In fact it is just a pretext for attacking Everglow because their company is chinese.Personnaly i love Yiren and Everglow and i find completly aberrant (and sad) to mixt so politic and art as it is done in Kpop. But we are obliged "to do with" and I will continue always to stan Yiren and Everglow who never separate, it seems to me impossible.

  6. You are all fooled by her agency.

    Did you know that her agency is Chinese owned agency? The headquarter of her agency is located in Beijing in China. What does it tell you? All chinese idols who left Korea and went back to China are managed by the same agency. They needed some good stories before they went back to China so that they can be welcomed as heros. They and their agency can make lots of money in china. Her agency has been preparing to send her back to China since she came to Korea. Her agency has been promoting her in China by showing her support to Chinese Communist party such as supporting the oppression of Uyghur in Xinjiang. The CCP government-funded newspaper praised her action before her agency sent her back to China. She will not come back because she will be used by CCP as a propaganda instrument. She is pretty and young which is very good for CCP's propaganda.

  7. Yuehua also took back the Chinese members of wjsn to China after a short while and is not letting them promote with wjsn, I think its a issue of Yuehua wanting them to work and earn money in China. Yuehua is also a Chinese company so I don't know why they would have an issue with her following Chinese standards.

  8. She is going on hiatus and no offence but Yiren is in Korea to pursue a career as an artist not to become South Korean so it’s totally okay for her to represent her culture. I don’t understand why people are bashing her just for representing her culture

  9. This is blatant racism and xenophobia, korean people need to do better and be educated more towards living with respect with the rest of the world.
    This is ridiculous, especially when ppl get into k culture theres so much understanding and support for their culture but they keep shitting on international idols

  10. in chinese culture bowing on a same age as you is considered a curse or a taboo but bowing in elders mean respect but that's not the case in korea i praise yiren for not doing it because she's one of china's represent when it comes to kpop and she's straight up represent chinese culture even if she's on korea

  11. Korean netizens are such crybabies and losers, it's unreal. I pity the idols (both Korean and non-Korean ones) that have to put up with their bs on a regular basis.

  12. She is just following her home's traditional way it is enough that she is not seeing her family and home of years and if they don't like it and they should not bother her or just support her

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