SHINee オニュ、テミン、ミンホ、キー、フレンズ、ジョンヒョンとの最後の瞬間に涙をこらえられない

SHINee Onew, Taemin, Minho, Key and Friends Can’t Keep Tears for last moment with Jonghyun

Source: TongtongTV,

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  1. imagine carrying your friend's casket, showing up to the last moment of you being with them is a tough one. let alone stand in front of your lifeless friend or love one. for people who commits suicide death is the end for all their struggle, but for those who they left behind will forever leave a scar that would always break them down in tears and what could have they done. rest in peace. and for those who battles the same demons we live on. may we find comfort and peace with someone who we love to be with or appreciate what happiness we can give to our self.

  2. Damn…, suicide is truly evil and the easiest way the devil can manipulate one's mind so easily is through depression. Wake up world and realize this is serious and it's showing no signs of stopping. More important stuff than political views wars etc. Start checking on your loved ones if you aint heard from them in awhile pop in and pay a visit even if for an hour or two if you have to stay with them or take them with you to keep an eye on them. If you feel for one instance that something isn't right go with your feeling on that you're never gonna be wrong.

  3. I remember this, i remember the funeral, it was the reason i left new york, i had to take a break from kpop that time. I think im ready to come back now.

  4. I didn’t know K-pop back then but this death haunts me. It’s so heartbreaking and enraging how there is cameras at someone’s death. How disrespectful.

    💔lord have mercy on him please💔

  5. Id never heard or known of this gentleman until i watched this footage. Its touched a nerve thats a little too close for me.
    We have to be open to depression its silent and deadly. As the entertainment business is getting more popular with the young. There manager / agent owes it to them to make sure that they' there health' well being comes first and this isnt happening! They fail a duty of care of which they refuse to turn the other way and passoff that everything is alright. Things are not!! there are seriously things wrong with the industry and the government needs to act ! Life cannot be flushed away like this without questions. But i guess we come back ££
    Anyone suffering with any form of depression shout out ! Please !!because your life is beautiful and you are important and its ok to not be ok. Dont ever feel ashamed for asking for help we owe it to ourselves. Be more kinder and value life more. Lessons are to be learnt from this! reconise the signs.
    Rest in peace angel. Xx

  6. 3 of the 4 remaining performers in Shinee were 3 of the 6 pallbearers in this video. If nothing else… I’m sure being allowed this personal honor among honors and doing this for one of your dearly departed best friends was good closure for them. Not full closure, it’s a death in a family, you never really fully quit feeling something such as that, but.. yeah. I’m sure this was a very healthy thing for them to do, despite how absolutely soul shattering I’m certain this was.

  7. I will never forget the day he died my heart shattered. I'm here again as its getting close to that day. It was hard after losing my aunt at the end of October to than hear we lost him. His music had so much soul, love, hurt, pain I think thats why I was so drawn to his music… I have to say I'm glad he's know longer hurting ❤️‍🩹 I can't believe it's been 5 years

  8. Oh yea, I still remember that that day when I heard of it and bursted out into tears. It still hurts so so bad and I just hope he found his peace. RIP angel

  9. I am sorry my brother lost time not see again but I heart pain came because I you're sister It really sorry 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💐💐💐💐

  10. But one Will back again my don't warry I will came my brother group with me bont warry gays I will came okay please read my brother group members 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💐💐💐

  11. Sometimes u realize the most special people to u leave the world… I loved jonghyun with all my heart shinee was the first ever group I stanned and jonghyun was my first ever bias

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