[Flowers of the prison] 옥중화- Jin se yeon, Control of the person from a martial arts skills 20160508

Jin se yeon, Gain control of the person from a martial arts skills
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  1. Just to lay some people's worry to rest: during this trial, everbody KNEW she was a girl. Alright? She's NOT pretending to be a man – nor did she ever pretended to be one in the entirety of the drama. Women are actually allowed to enter police (?) during this era. That's why Ok Nyeo's sparring partner was reluctant to spar in the beginning and had to be bribed with drinks. Lmao…. just wanna poin that out for future watchers of the show.

  2. As usual with Korean Dramas, at a point the story line drags on and becomes very boring. They just waste time in stupid and futile little scenes instead of getting on with the story plot. I like it very much at the beginning, but now I am just fed up watching it cause they don't get straight to the point. I am not interested in her shitty love little things. Just get to the point of catching all the villains, punish them along with the Queen mother for murdering the late King and other innocent people. Don't drag on with two guys falling in love with the same girl cause it's just stupid. Therefore I give to this program a thumb down

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