GOT7 “One And Only You (Feat. Hyolyn)” Special Video

GOT7 “One And Only You (Feat. Hyolyn)” Special Video

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  1. BamBam. It was your smile and goofiness that I first experienced, but really it was your your creativity in music that caused me to stay and learn more about you. I love your voice because when you rap, it is so calm and collected. If this makes sense, even when you take on more aggressive raps, there is a soothing sound to your voice that makes them even easier to listen to. It never sounds the same in any two songs and because you can add so much freshness to each track, your Aghase eagerly look forward to hearing what you are going to bring to your music next. I also believe that you are somebody who can rap with so much feeling and passion. You can embody an entire mood with only a few lines.The same can be said about your singing. You have such a soft and beautiful voice that adds a lightness and a boldness to each song. It is so nice to be able to hear you interact with the singing side of your vocal ability, because there is so much you can share when you do. At the same time, you are one of the most energetic dancers that I’ve come to know. You can move your body in ways that I’ve never seen another move before; and this is so exciting to see given the type of choreographies that you’ve mastered before. You add so much depth and meaning to each little gesture and each little movement to leave a lasting impression and memory for your Aghase. Your moves are always accurate and powerful, but you leave so much room for your own personal expression as well. The face of music today would be so different and it would lack the addition of your artistry. You are changing the way the world views performance and music each day that you present your creativity to the world. In the same way that I love how you bring your music to this world, I love that you share your personality all the same. One of the first qualities that I noticed you had was how sociable you were. You’re always so quick to make friends, or at least show your respect for those who you come in contact with. I also love how funny you are. Your type of humor is so amusing because you are always funny when anyone least expects it. Even when you mean to be serious you end up making somebody laugh, and it is so contagious. Nobody knows these sides of you better than your members, however. I know that since the very beginning of Got7, you all have been so comfortable with one another. Before you even debuted, you held a special place in your heart for each of your members, and to this day they change for the better because of you. You’ve believed in them throughout your entire journey and that is the greatest way to show somebody that you genuinely care for them. You’ve been there for them in every way that they’ve needed you to be since you met them. You found a way to bring the seven of you together so that you could create a dynamic synergy that the world knows and loves. You have such a special relationship with each member and I’ve gotten so emotional seeing how each of them can speak about what you’ve meant to them. Now they have somebody who can be there for them for the rest of their lives. You are encouraging and motivational for them when you don’t even realize it. I know that Yugyeom specifically is close to you and sees all of the qualities that make you the greatest friend ever, but all of your members can find a brother in you as well. You are their family. Your members can be become the greatest versions of themselves because of the love and faith that you’ve placed in them. You see their potential when they don’t even see it, so they can believe in themselves because of you. They can do anything they set their mind to, and they will always have you to thank for changing their lives. I want to personally thank your family and parents for raising you and helping you to become the absolutely heartwarming person that you are today. I know you likely couldn’t be here yourself without the guidance and love of your family. They’ve been backbone and know you better than anybody else in this world. I know that you value them so much and you honor them every day because of they way you carry yourself and the goals you have set. I’m sure you already know this, but I just want to say that your family loves you and cares about you more than anybody else. They always come first and I hope you always keep them in your mind in this way. There is no other response they could have to who you’ve become than pride. They will always be proud of you no matter what you do, and will support every decision you make. I hope you continue to remember how much they love you, and if you ever feel completely alone, you will always have them to lift you up again. Aghase keep them in our hearts as you do, and we thank them will all of our being for spreading the same love and peace that you do every day. BamBam, I can say on behalf of all of the Aghase, that you have given us the greatest years of our life because of how you’ve loved us. You always put your entire heart in all that you do in hopes that your Aghase take it. Similarly to your members, you have put your soul in all of your creations and music just so that we can have a part of you. You’ve shown us various sides of you and continue to do so with each of the steps you take in your career. You always have us in your mind as your ultimate goal and source of motivation, and you’ve had this mindset since your debut. You don’t even know most of us personally, yet you dedicate so much of yourself to us. There are parts of you that are only reserved for us and we are so beyond honored to be the ones that you think are worth showing. You are the reason we can laugh and enjoy every day, despite how dark and grim they may be. People from all over the world have become fans of yours because of the way that you make them feel. Even if times were difficult, you still confided in us and placed your emotions in our hands because you’ve always cared enough to update us on your life and your feelings. You always ensure that you stay in contact with us any way that you can, and you treat us like real family. There are Agashes who can say they could only believe in themselves and become who they are because of you. You help us to see the beauty in ourselves and you show us how to be grateful for the lives we’ve been given. You teach us so much every day, just as you teach your members, and we can look at the world with more hope because of you. ‘Thank you’ will never be enough to express the gratitude we have to you for changing all of our lives. I know that you’ve been through a lot, both professionally and personally. You debuted as an idol at such a young age and likely have had to deal with more than you expected. Regardless of what you’ve been through, because you can remain so optimistic you’ve endured through all of the hardships you’ve danced at this point. What you’ve been through is probably unimaginable to so many people, but you’ve shown so much strength by persevering through all of those times in your life. We could not be more proud of you for being brave and conquering the moments in life that tried to hold you back. In this way, you teach us how to do the same. You still have so much of your life to live and it will get hard again, but we know that you can make it through because of how you’ve grown from your roadblocks in the past. There is absolutely nothing that can hold you back from achieving your dreams and there is no greater honor than having a role model who believes in himself and others. I hope that you continue to keep this mindset for as long as you need it. I hope that this birthday makes all of your dreams come true, and that you can accomplish all that you want to try. I hope you can feel just how much love exists in the world for you and that you are lifted up through the voices that celebrate you on your special day. I hope that every moment is spent exactly the way you want it to, and that this day is remembered by you as one of the greatest you’ve had. It might be hard to think of yourself in this way, but I just want you to realize just how much you’ve changed the world, and that this is the day for you to relax and enjoy yourself! You are a blessing to this world, so I hope you are met with all of the success and happiness that you crave, because you deserve it! Thank you for sacrificing so much much just to make Got7 exist. Thank you for struggling through any pain, emotions, doubt, fear, concerns, isolation, stress, fatigue, and so much more just to make at least one person in this world smile. I want you to always know that Aghase recognizes and appreciates the subtlest of efforts that you put in, even if you think nobody is watching or acknowledging it. You are the light for so many in this world and the reason why they can live their live happily. We can be okay because of you and nobody could replace the spot you have in all of our hearts. Please don’t overwork yourself because your happiness, health and safety are the most important to us! This is all we want for you because your satisfaction and joy comes before ours! We can’t wait to support and love you through all your future projects, and we will be by your side for the rest of our lives! You are beautiful inside and out, and I hope you don’t change that for anybody! I pray that you and your loves ones are safe, and find happiness and worth in the future. Happy birthday BamBam, and we adore you so much!!

  2. Jinyoung. I know GOT7 has been group for at least seven years now, and I have been and K-Pop fan for almost an entire decade. How I didn’t know about GOT7, especially given the group’s worldwide success, I don’t know. However, especially because of being in quarantine, I have spent the past few months doing nothing but getting to know the group that has been one of the best things to happen to me. I got my introduction to Got7 through ‘Lullaby,’ and I loved it so much that I knew I had to know more about Got7. Sure enough, I spent all of my time watching all of the music videos, listening to all of the music, and watching your reality shows. The first thing to stand out to me about you was your voice. To this day, the soothing raspiness and delicacy of your voice still brings me to tears within the first few seconds of me hearing it. You have such a unique voice that is specific to you, and I don’t know what I, or other Aghase would be doing if you decided not to share your talents with us. You are the perfect example of simply being born with talent, and your gift is natural. We are so blessed to able to get to hear your voice. I didn’t know that I had been void of emotion for so long, until I hear you start singing, and it felt like the emotions that I know I should have been feeling this whole time, came washing over me. I can feel all of the authenticity and the story behind every single word that you sing, and your emotions come radiating out of your passionate performance even if I’m just watching you through a screen. Words don’t do your voice justice, and can only be described by the range of emotions that Aghases feel when we hear it. Next, I fell in love with your dancing. You have such a commanding stage presence and always dance flawlessly without ever trying too hard, which makes it an honor to be able to watch you and leaves all of Aghase in complete and utter awe. Before I even found out that you were an actor, I suspected that you were based on your outstanding performances in the music videos you have been a part of. Just like your singing, the genuine compassion and execution of your character makes you an inspiration to watch on screen. Perhaps what I love about you the most, however, is the caring and gentle love that you have for people. From watching your reality shows and seeing you interact with each of your members, I have seen how you put them first before anybody else and just seem to always know what to say in the moment. Though you have a humorous and fun side, I noticed that no matter what happens, you have this nurturing relationship with you members and have always been able to comfort them when nobody else can. You are just so pure and sweet, and I know your members would be completely different people had they not met you and spent all of this time with you. You teach Aghase and your members how to treat and respect a human being, and you inspire me every day how to be a better person by treating everybody else lovingly and kindly. Jinyoung, it’s because of Aghase that I know now how and why you are so beloved globally. Though it’s only been a few years since I discovered you, I have fallen completely in love with your character and learned more about myself and the world around me because of you. I approach everything now with more respect, appreciation, and love; and have a brighter outlook on the world around me. There is absolutely nothing that you can’t do, and you have proven that during your long time as an idol. Thank you so much for sacrificing so much all of these years just to bring us entertainment, and I hope you can see the positive impact that you’ve left on the growing number of Agahses all around the world. I am so appreciative that you came into my life and I hope that you can always feel my love, as well as the love and support from all of Aghases, your friends, members, and family. I know that your family and members are proud of you most of all, having grown up alongside you all of these years and being a part of your growth and evolution. We are all thankful that you have inspired us and motivated us to lift other people up, which in turn will lift us up as well. Jinyoung, from the bottom of my heart, I pray that nothing but happinesses and success meets you and those that you love today, and every day in your future because you deserve it. On behalf of your friends, Agahses, members, and most importantly, your family, I am hopeful that today is everything that you desire and then some! Please stay safe, and that goes for your members and loved ones as well. Jinyoung, it is a blessing to able to wish you the happiest birthday ever, and I hope you know that we adore you more than you could ever know! Never give up your kindness for everybody and thank you for being a major inspiration everywhere and every day!!

  3. Yugyeom. Usually when people say that they fall in love with someone overnight, they use the expression to exaggerate how quickly it happened. However, in my case, this statement is actually completely true. I literally fell in love with you overnight. My journey with Got7 surprisingly didn’t start until three years ago. In all of my time as a K-Pop fan though, and despite knowing many groups, you are the first idol that I fell in love with suddenly. I got my introduction to Got7 through ‘Lullaby,’ and at first I thought I wasn’t going to keep coming back to it because I’d never listened to any Got7 music before. I quickly realized that I couldn’t stop watching the music video, and listening to the song though, and it took me awhile to discover that you were the reason why. Something about the delicacy of your presence in ‘Lullaby—‘ and that goes for your voice, your dance, and even your smile, just stood out to me. Whereas I never expected I was going to become an Aghase, you completely charmed me and drew me into the world of Got7. I learned from the Aghases about your story and your journey of becoming what you’ve always wanted to be growing up and in your youth. I found your story greatly inspiring and incredible, and once I was in love with Got7 enough to realize that I was an Aghase, I couldn’t stop pursuing my fascination with you. I fell in love with you and everything that you represent in just a matter of mere hours and I couldn’t believe that I’d gone so much of my life without knowing you or actively keeping up with your projects. Of course, I fell in love with the other Got7 members as well and I wanted to start from the very beginning to get to know all of you. I watched all of Got7’s music videos, dance practices, and other musical projects. I watched, and still do watch, live performances, guest musical appearances, and VLives. I started binging your reality show, and I happened to watch the episode where your members pranked you and made you think that they were fighting because you showed up late. I knew, going into that episode that it was a prank because I found out very quickly that it was a very memorable moment among the Aghases. Despite being prepared and knowing it wasn’t real, I found myself crying alongside you and I couldn’t stop because I could genuinely feel the pain and fear that you had that your members were actually fighting and might discontinue pursuing your musical journey together. I learned very early from this that you have such a value and consideration for your members and for Got7 as a whole. You recognize that you are part of something greater and even though you had only just debuted you still had so much love and appreciation for your group and your members. I might be the only one who thinks about this so often, but I formed a deep connection with you from then on. Rather than being scared that you had personally made a mistake, all you were really worried about the whole time was the future of your group and the relationship between your members. I found so much beauty in that and it redefined the importance of friends and family in life. In just that tiny moment in Got7 history, I very suddenly loved everything that you stood for and my values aligned with yours. I recognize how grateful you were to get the opportunity to debut as an idol with your members, and even though I hadn’t discovered all of Got7’s discography yet I could already tell how hard you worked to get to where you are now. I think this is a quality of yours that some people might overlook, but I noticed it immediately because I could just feel how serious you were about your music and time spent together with members. Going through Got7’s discography caused me to be completely blown away and emotional by your soft and gentle voice. It is extremely versatile because not only do you deliver powerful and sweet vocals, but you surprise us by occasionally rapping as well. There is absolutely nothing that you can’t dominate and shine in, and I’ve seen you share your talent through so many different performances and shows because of how unique of a voice you have. Perhaps your charm lies the most within your dancing. I absolutely love the art of dancing, and once I discovered that it has been your dream for a long time, it was only fate that I was brought to you. I’ve watched as much as I could from your time on ‘Hit the Stage’ to your individualized performances. It pleases me more than anything to be watching your dreams come true over these years that you’ve been an idol because you deserved this and really wanted it. I feel like I learn something new about you every time you get on the stage and completely let yourself become free with your dancing. I can see that dancing is such a huge part of your motivation and it has become who you are. You make every move look so effortless and I am so speechless at what you are able to accomplish with only your body and its movements. You represent what it means to be a dancer and you put your soul into every single performance, whether it be just a practice or on a stage. I am so grateful and most of all happy that you are doing what you were set out to do, because you were born to dance. You’ve worked so hard and there are just no words to describe how outstanding of a performer you are. Aside from your performance etiquette, I have also resonated with your personality as well. From the start of Got7 I know that you have always had a more reserved and shy personality. At the same time you are so unpredictable and funny and I love that you know how to have a good time. You bring more joy to your members than I think anyone else would have the ability to. I know that they love protecting you and taking care of you, and you love teasing them and giving them a reason to laugh. You show them the positive side of their struggles and your natural optimism helps them have confidence in their darkest moments. You are so heartfelt and genuine about everything and anything that you approach. You respond to challenges with an open heart and an open mind. I know you have been through a lot in these several years in the music business, and you likely have come across a range of obstacles and hardships. Seeing you still standing as powerful and happy as ever after everything that you have been through gives me motivation like I’ve never known before. I am so proud of you for enduring through everything and putting your members, your Aghase, and your happiness first. You bring Aghases so much delight and excitement and make us smile when we feel like we won’t see the sun again. I want to personally thank your family and parents for raising you and for sacrificing so much to make your dream happen. Not just today, but every day I am so grateful to them because we wouldn’t have you or Got7 without their guidance and influence. They love you unconditionally in a way that we could never understand and are the most proud of everything that you do. Yugyeom, I pray that this birthday fulfills your every wish and brings to you all of the love, appreciation, and gratitude that is felt for you all across the world. I hope that you surround yourself by only those who love you and appreciate you for who you are. You work so hard for your Aghases every day and I can’t even thank you enough for everything that you yourself have sacrificed just to bring us any type of content. You have no idea how impactful the little things that you do are for our hearts. It is an honor to get to be a part of your life and your story, and we are so lucky to have you to lean on anytime that we need. Thank you for putting so much work in to everything that you do just to make us happy in the slightest. I hope that you know that I, and countless others have fallen undeniably in love with you and that we appreciate you exactly how you present yourself. I hope you never feel like you have to work hard to satisfy us because we are blessed to even have you. I want you to know how much you’ve changed my life personally and that you’ve opened my eyes to what’s really important in life. You have revolutionized so much musically and taught me more than I thought anyone ever could in just one night. I know that these just sound like words but I am truly grateful for all that you’ve done for me, your members, Aghase, and the world. I may not have been there since the beginning, but I am here now and love you in the same way as Aghases who have been supporting you since day one. I know that I will be here to watch you and to be by your side for the rest of your journey. I appreciate every little thing that you do. You will always be in all of our hearts. You are so sweet, and naturally pure and it seems so rare that we get somebody so kind and selfless. I love everything that you are, from your beaming and sweet smile, to your soft eyes and contagious giggle. But most of all, I love your heart and your generosity. I can’t wait to watch you grow and evolve, and I anticipate what lies in the future for you. Remember that Aghases will always support you no matter what. I pray that you and your family members stay safe, and find happiness and worth in every day. Thank you for everything that you do. Happy birthday Yugyeom! You are so precious, and we adore you!!!

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