What's going on in Russia now? / Update from Niki

This year started with a few rumours about Russia: a new mobilisation started again in Russia, borders are closed for men. I will update you on what’s happening inside Russia right now, and also share some personal insights about the new year speech of our president, and a new tendency of calling people who left Russia “traitors” and “enemies of the state”. What a packed video it’s gonna be!

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00:00 intro + personal update
01:59 new mobilisation in Russia (rumours, facts)
05:52 rumour about closed borders for men
06:55 “traitors” of Russia
08:42 Putin’s new year speech

  1. Thank you for all nice words 🙏 I'm taking a good care of myself, and still getting used to having much more time and space just for myself. Greetings from Thailand!

  2. No worries, we all need to grow and when you feel your country can no longer make you feel safe, well you had that on your plate, Bless you, you are going forward and upward, you got this!

  3. Russian military has already FORCED men up to the age of 57yo to go to the war with Ukrainian on the frontline. They forced these men from the far East of Russia and Siberian Russia to get on a bus or plane. They were lied to about where they were going but of course ended up being cannon fodder. This continues to happen every week inside Russia in different parts of the country. Undercover Russian & foreign journalists and foreign clandestine intelligence officers have released enough proof that's been leaked bit by bit week after week. They include the areas of Russia, names of the people gathered up by force (many times during the cover of night) and have leaked the verified photographic evidence and videographic evidence, along with some family members willing to speak on the record in interviews. Mobilization never stopped; it just moved under the radar compared to what it looked like before. Also, 156,723 Russians that were forcibly gathered up, were taken to Belarus for 1½ months of military training. Those 156,723 Russian forced military men are about to be sent into the fight (either they'll surrender and live, or die) It's as unfortunate as that. Even worse, another batch of forced Russian men are being held in limbo in horrible conditions awaiting the Russian military to transport them to Belarus for training as well, before being sent out as another wave (probably during Spring and Summer) The number of held Russian men in limbo hasn't been exactly verified but it's minimum at least 76,000 men but no more than 92,000 as of last week's latest reports from foreign intelligence services and agents inside Russia. I really hope that someone (obviously an elite) will rise up and overtake Putin BEFORE Spring. There are intelligence rumors that 4 different people in Russia are eyeing that exact plan. However, even if one of them is actually successful, the 4 known people are much harder to the right than even Putin which is difficult to believe possible, but unfortunately quite true.

  4. Sad to hear about the break up – but life goes on.
    I´m highly irritated by the raise of the drafting age. War is a sport for young men mostly. I was already very sad about the thirty, forty, in cases even fifty year olds mobiks and , far worse, sending them into the grinder. That´s like a death sentence out of various reasons. Especially if those things are ordered by those fat(!) generals.
    About that traitor thing – no one shouldn´t pay attention to this nonsense. One can easily say that everyone supporting Putin´s regime is a traitor to Russia (and that´s even more true!)

    PS: I recently learned through Roman´s channel how old you are – how did you manage to stay so youthful???

  5. Why should anyone die for a dictator like Putin? He murders or imprisons those who speak against him. The war in Ukraine is Putin's war–not Russia's. HE is the traitor to Russia for making sensible people flee. HE is the international war criminal for attacking a sovereign nation without just cause. FPutin POS!

  6. Niki telling the truth isn't a treasonous. Most people are scared to speak out or they believe the properganda . Russian had a chance when the U.S.S.R. collapsed, and Gorbachev was elected. There was possibly of real change, but no back to the bad old ways, I just don't get it. Another mobilisation more cannon fodder for what? Old men's egos.

  7. Hi Niki, sorry to hear you have broke up with Lisa. Now that you are out of Russia tell me is it how you expected it to be in the western world? I watch 1420 channel & most Russians think the west are terrible & want to take over or destroy Russia. What do you think of the capitalist world?

  8. Niki, I think that you missed a point near the end of the video…
    At 10:24 Putin is referring to the recent declarations of Angela Merkel about the Minsk agreements: it is the only part of his speech in which he was actually "kind of right" about facts.
    I think it is wrong from your side to fastly label his words as nonsense, since this background of "perceived betrayal" could well be one of the deep reasons for this war to continue to exist in the future.

    Instead, as a Russian insider and ambassador to the world, I think you should focus on those words heavily, explaining to everyone (both foreigners and Russians!) why is he half right, but also (more importantly) why is he half wrong.

  9. I still can't believe there are people in Russia who still follow this murderer Putin and everyone who has joined the military to follow the orders of this corrupt murderer Everyone fleeing military service is what they should do Most of them, but I see that unfortunately many go to war with Ukraine, losing their lives and their families still force them to go or consider them traitors. What are all these people thinking that Putin can take over any country he wants? So many deaths so much destruction there is no one in Russia who can stop Putin they are all brainwashed in positions of power or is it the money Putin pays them that has them doing whatever

  10. Green Screen – very likely true. Not one of those people ever looks at Putin. No eye moment towards him. Almost impossible. Especially for such an important person in all their lives.
    Every time he meets people of the public they cannot help but to look at him because he is such an important person in Russia for 20 years. They cannot help but to have a physical reaction on their bodies and faces.
    This video has no reaction from them.

    He isn't there with them.

    They need to explain it.

    Why did they fake this video?

    Why is Putin afraid to meet the people in public places?

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