Brumby: Suite for Four Double Basses – Emeth Ensemble at The House Concert

Colin Brumby (1933-2018)
Suite for Four Double Basses
0:00 – 1. Pesante – Allegro
4:20 – 2. Larghetto – Allegro con brio
7:34 – 3. Larghetto – Andante piu tranquillo

Emeth Ensemble 에메트앙상블

Mikyung Sung 성미경
Seongsu Hong 홍성수
Jaesun Park 박재선
Manki Kim 김만기

From the 877th The House Concert, 2021-12-13
Original full-concert livestream video:

Musical composition copyright 1975 Yorke Edition.
Performance copyright 2021

  1. Excellent individual and ensemble playing! Also, this is one of the better videos I've heard of your playing, Mikyung! Props to both the audio and video work.

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