[4K] Moon Byul – I'll thow it away (DISCO ver.)

Into the exciting disco with Moon Byul~!

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  1. Now I understand why she lost that round. I couldn't focus on her singing at all!!!
    The concept is great but Yubin have a nice retro feeling, albeit she didn't singing in high notes. The judges are right to choose Yubin this time. We believe in you, Moonbyul. You can definitely do better next time!

  2. Hahaha those faces that enjoy the performance then flip 🙃 when because they thought she sounded strong vocally and choose to not even give her point. Hahahaa the biased judge is sipping their favoritism 😂😂😂

  3. Both sang very well but after listening to both literally Moonbyul was the one who hit the high note perfectly and I didn't saw Yubin even going with high note may just one time may be…not hate to anyone

  4. I think we all know the only reason she got 0 points is because the point gap would've been ridiculously huge compared with the other contestants and the show wanted to give the others the chance to catch up lol. A horrible thing to still make it 5:0 when they could have easily made it 4:1 or 3:2 because the performance was easily one of the best.

  5. Byulie looks so happy singing. I’m so happy for her. I wanna hug her. I just hate how it might discourage her with what those judges said

  6. I guess they just really tried to bring her down. If she topped here again it would be hard for the other contestants to rise up and we would pretty sure know she would be the winner and fans of other idols might stop watching already since we know with that score, whatever happens she would come 1st. They did this all for the rating. Though im pissed on jow they criticized her and words they used. They could've put it in a better way. But yes they know byul has lots of fans that would get mad and watch the show more bec of their words.

  7. Rewatching her performances after she won the show!
    This show could have a lot more potential but the production team kind of ruined it. Really love the chemistry between the girls.

  8. The judges or the production team who made decisions to give her no single vote was so disrespectful to her and I won't forget that. Sorry I'm a little vindictive if someone hurts the people I love so until now I still really hate them 🙂

  9. No offence to Yubin but Moonbyul should have won this round. Those judges are nuts to not even give one point to our Moonbyul. So mad!!! Great performance Emperor Moonbyul. You deserve to win!!!

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