

  1. I am deeply dissapointed in all the people who disliked and commented negative things about this great Anime series.

    Let me tell you one thing, "Can you make a film like this? If you can, can you make as successful as this Anime? If you can't, you have the right to remain silent and awe this very production."

  2. これつい最近見たけど、少なくとも素人がバカにしていいレベルではなかったなぁ。俺としては、原作関係なしに一つの映画として楽しめた。あと北乃きいの喋り方がハマった笑でも髪色は納得できん

  3. After watching the anime series (both seasons), I watched this live-action movie expecting to hate it… But instead, I ended up really enjoying it. In fact, I actually ended up liking it more than the anime series.

    The first half of the movie wasn't that good (since it just recaps some of the first season, and looks weird doing it in live-action), but in the second half of the movie, it becomes a strange yet suspenseful story that's wholly original to the movie, which came as a real surprise to me, and made it a great watch.

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