(ENG CC) Taehyung♡Tzuyu•If we love again

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태형아 생일축하해🐻
태형이를 언제까지나 응원할게❤
ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ

  1. 男經紀人們那邊集體瞪泰亨很好笑! 那個臭小子! 喜歡看第三方反應 因為他們才更真實 今天這部更悲劇拉 TT一直是我心中的CP辣 不要真的讓我等20年耶????

  2. Taetzu is my favorite ship of all. I feel sad to hear some rumors that they aren't together anymore. Our love is so precious and sad to think that they broke up now. I hope they can find each other's arms again in the future 💖😢

  3. 所以。。。大夥們
    請問 泰亨沒跟 Jennie 在一起嗎⋯⋯?
    (抱歉聽到他倆在一起照片被駭 消息時 真心難過 我們子瑜怎麼辦)

  4. my favorite couple, even both of them dating someone else I always believe that they dating each other started from 2016 until 2021

  5. 태형 🐻 곰돌이 건들지마세요
    편히 음악하게 순둥이 2022년도 많이 힘들었을턴데 이제그만지켜주자구요
    귀엽둥이 태태 명석한 태형 💜

  6. 不要再捆綁子瑜了,V已經有女朋友Jennie ,這樣對他們3人都不好。且子瑜跟V從沒在一起過只是粉絲心中假想的cp希望他們在一起。

  7. Bence tae önceden tzuyu ile sevgiliydi sonra ayrıldı jennie ile sevgili oldu ama jennie ile ilişkileri pek yürümedi ve şuan tzyu ile tekrardan sevgililer benceee

  8. So beautiful 🥲. I feel sentimental watching this. Like i can never over them. This year was a rollercoaster for them. Literally i almost believed tae's dating rumours. Taetzu is special for us.

  9. 大神所有的影片 就屬這個是悲傷的🥲 是在暗示 有些情況正在發生嗎?
    起飛的飛機 隱喻是各自 專心自己的事業!(我猜的啦)

  10. 我是一個阿媽級的老粉了,v所有自己創作的歌曲,裡面的所有的歌詞都是有一個特定的女主角,證明他一直有一個自己喜歡的對象而且是很久了。

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