'Taken the higher ground' | Jennie Bond says royals won't be 'goaded' into Harry and Meghan response

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  1. Royals have class, Megan and her slave just don't, a yacht girl and a puck girl not a very moral girl at all, even if brought up catholic, no not at all, Harry being , well not too bright, has been taken for a ride he might never get off. Aaah well, you made your bed, now you know what you have to do.

  2. Did anyone notice that when Charles was giving his speech he mentioned giving time is so precious they used a doppelganger of Thomas Markle giving his valuable time to help people in need? That was referencing to Meghan that Thomas devoted his time for you growing up In her important years. Meghan is a narcissist, selfish , self centred & evil to say the least.

  3. It’s all planted IIA, get people revved up and focusing on these two fools when serious thing are going on in the world. The royal family owe it to the world to end the charade as they started it. What ever happened to vetting? It’s all sham! Keeps journos in a job and sell magazines.

  4. And what does this woman know ? Does she know the royal family personally? Does she know harry and meghan personally? She has no idea what's going on behind close doors she's just another saddo journalist obessed with harry and meghan because she knows that's how she will get quick money and attention

  5. Harry is beaming here. I find it hard to believe that he hasn't been totally manipulated by his wife to go down such a resentful path. It was saddly apparent very early on she was going to isolate him and omg, hasn't she!

  6. Well you can step over to Jermery Clarkson…I don't hear or see y'all correcting the Hate that that Journalist publiced..I don't see or hear that🤔
    Who gives a fuck about this bullshit…
    Let's talk about the hate speech that's allowed, the hate threats that's allowed…Let's talk about how all you journalist are playing the I don't see hate game, when you are feeding to it…Let's talk🤬

  7. Did the King ever request a paternity test to see if Harry was really his? Considering his red hair & similar looks to someone else, it was discussed by media many years ago after Diana's death. King Charles should take back Harry's & the narcissist's titles. They DO NOT deserve tltles!

  8. Good for them…they don’t need to lower themselves to diabolical, childish, arsewhype, lying, grifting duo! They are worth nothing, as we’ve all seen over the past years. They are young children throwing stupid tantrums, and that’s exactly how we all see them! My opinion!

  9. In what matter of importance that you commented HnM were not mentioned in the King's speech?
    I wish the media would concentrate on what is important: The King paid tribute to the babe who is the KING of kings and LORD of lords, Jesus Christ.
    It was important for the King to publicly display the STAR at the Birth place of Jesus the Savior of the world as the Bible says.
    I wish that you the media would concentrate on the very important matter of FAITH as the King has alluded to.
    I would like to think that if you understand who Jesus Christ is, you would also believe that Christmas is the celebration of the Birth of the Christ Child.
    God bless King Charles while he is under the Kingship of Christ. May he be kept faithful to the Lordship of Christ and seek His counsel n wisdom in all his ways.

  10. This is properly a good example of how to treat people who want to behave in the way Harry and Meghan are towards their family and friends, ignore them and get on with you job, your family life, you business, with a dignified silence.

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