Cover by CHEN – '선물(Gift)' (멜로망스 MeloMance)

정말 오랜만이에요~
신청곡 커버 영상을 이제서야 업로드하게 되었네요..
기다려 주셔서 감사하고 정말 죄송합니다.
혹시 이번 10월은 어떠셨나요?
많은 분께서 행복하시길 바랄게요.
그럼 영상 보시면서 따뜻한 하루 보내세요~!!
감기 조심하시고요!!

Long time no see~
At last, I’ve just uploaded the cover-video for song request..
Thanks for your patience indeed and I’m really sorry for the delay.
How was your October?
I wish you all happiness.
Please enjoy my video and have a wonderful day!
Be careful not to catch a cold!!

#CoverByCHEN #멜로망스 #선물

  1. 정말 오랜만이에요~

    신청곡 커버 영상을 이제서야 업로드하게 되었네요..

    기다려 주셔서 감사하고 정말 죄송합니다.

    혹시 이번 10월은 어떠셨나요?

    많은 분께서 행복하시길 바랄게요.

    그럼 영상 보시면서 따뜻한 하루 보내세요~!!

    감기 조심하시고요!!

    Long time no see~

    At last, I've just uploaded the cover-video for song request..

    Thanks for your patience indeed and I'm really sorry for the delay.

    How was your October?

    I wish you all happiness.

    Please enjoy my video and have a wonderful day!

    Be careful not to catch a cold!!

  2. Happy birthday! ❤️ I came back to listen to this cover again since to suggested it on your birthday message, And I'm again mesmerized by how powerful your voice is and how you manage to put all emotions into your voice and deliver the song's meaning.
    And again, thank you for singing ❤️

  3. You are the most precious and most special gift… I will always love you very much. Together forever… Birthday request song is the most beautiful song gift you and I love September 21st the day your voice is gifted…

  4. Dear kim jong dae, suara kamu itu adalah salah satu tempat healingku, semua lagu ,coveran kamu gak pernah aku cencel karena sesuka itu aku sama suara kamu
    23 November 2019 kamu dateng ke Indonesia buat konser exploration aku tuh gak bisa nonton karena ketipu sama jastipan
    12 November 2022 kamu rencana untuk konser amal we are all one tapi acaranya di postponed sampe Januari 2023
    Sedih banget aku tuh 2 kali mau ketemu tapi gak bisa terus pengen banget dengerin kamu nyanyi langsung

  5. 찾아다…… a while ago, on my 출근길, last scene노래하는 동안, 마음에 "시간,순간" 들여가는 첸노래가있은대 뭐였더라? 이별노래가 아닌 신나고 행복한노래인대,, 딱 걸렸어요.10분동한 생각하고 있은대, 마지막에 회사에 도착하고 유튜브의 도움을 받아게 돼여습니다….

  6. So I visited this channel on today, December 12th 2022. Thank you CHEN, for successfully adding 1 more song to my playlist. I'm very happy. 🤗

    Would you please sing "I CONFESS" from SG WANNABE?
    제발…. 🤗🙏

  7. CHEN tienes la voz más bonita, haz lo que debas hacer y lo que te haga feliz persigue todos tus sueños, tus fans siempre estaremos con tigo. ❤️

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