보이스 Voice < Kim Jae-Wook!>김재욱  ~인간이 아닌 괴물

Voice 인간이 아닌 괴물이 태어났다! 연쇄살인마 김재욱.Voice 人間ではない化け物が生まれた! 連鎖殺人魔キム・ジェウクの爆走する殺人本能!

  1. He reminds me so much of Lee Min Ki's persona..both actors have always been taking unusual, if not creepy, roles.
    And yet, not until last year, LMK finally made his drama comeback by starring on a romcom production, BTIMFL, and did even a more exceptional work with The Beauty Inside. Both project succeed at bringing out his softer side as an actor and a man, i guess 😄 Now, i can only wish that Kim Jae Wook, the ever charming Jae Wook oppa, to finally do some heartwarming projects that doesnt entail overly done sensual scenes or blood dripping all over the place (im looking at you, Voice 👀)

    Besides, it's about time for you to be the centre of the attention now. ✌

  2. VOICEはシーズン4まで続いてますが、私はチャン・ヒョクさんと

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