[ENG/JPN] 엄마가 보는 하석진은 어떤 아들일까? | MBTI – part II

🗣: 엄마 내 MBTI 뭐야? 👩‍🦱: 정상이랜다~

#하석진 #MBTI #ISTP

  1. SeokJin~shi What month were you actually born in? February or March? it's very different from your profile on wikipedia and in the "2days1night" when you show your ID. 🤔🤔

  2. I haven't actually watched more than three videos and two series, so much of what i filled out was based on characters you played, and i got INTP, which is a bit like the rational troll/jokester of mbti. I think i let myself be influenced too much by the characters. Still pretty close.
    I'm INTJ, which can be awkward as a woman as people expect superb social skills and i can't even remember to have small talk. I want to go straight into deep conversation or nothing. …. Which goes against the average human being.

  3. 와..저도 ntj 실 줄 알았는데 역시 오랜기간 가장 가까이 맞붙은 사람이 제일 비슷하네요 매니저님이 거의 근접하게 맞추신..!

  4. はじめまして。字幕付きで見てます。自然な感じが見てて楽しいです。応援してます!

  5. 지난번 영상에서 mbti가 상황에 따라 다른 것 아니냐 하셨는데 저도 그렇게 생각했었어요!
    저는 2013년에 (유료)mbti검사를 해보고 2020년 유행이 돌아 다시 무료검사를 해보고 최근(2022년)유료검사를 다시 해봤는데 놀랍게도 세 번 모두 같은 결과가 나왔어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
    '사람은 수시로 변한다'고 생각해왔는데 결과가 계속 똑같이 나오는 것 보면 기본성향이나 기질은 그대로고 사회화되어서 기본성향이 조금 가려지는 건 아닐까 생각했어요

  6. People make mistakes. Forgiving is like flushing the toilet. ~ Ha Seokjin

    cos of this mature and practical thought, i decided to hit the Subscribe button! 👍😄

    yes, people make mistakes. including myself! and i am finding it hard to forgive someone daily, so flushing the poop (unforgiveness) is real to me. thanks HSJ!

    ps.i thought you were just another handsome actor with high IQ, so to see other sides of you: talking non-stop, sharing your thoughts & just being yourself is indeed refreshing!

  7. ISTP: no wonder you are such a good actor! you need to have keen observation about life around you to put them all into your acting. of course, being logical & realistic makes you a good engineer too.

    mom certainly knows you best! it also tells us that you know yourself really well too & answered all the questions honestly.

    TMI i know of a singer who is ISTP & likes electronic gadgets or juz gadgets like you too! engineers can never run away from ISTP 😄

  8. Hola Jin tu fan mexicana saludandote que agradable saber en cada vídeo más de como eres.. es difícil llegar a tu corazón… Espero que con mi cariño de seguirte logré hacerte sonreír al menos una vez en la vida… Eres un ángel 😍❤️ besos de tu noona.

  9. 저와탱구를배신햇고똥저도싸요.
    이걸로 무슨 권력얻으려하지마세요.

  10. 제가 보는 하석진 씨는 조금 까다로운 분이 아닐까…… 생각했습니다. 그런데 그것도 맞는 것 같습니다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저는 mbti를 아예 안 믿어서 시도해본 적이 없어요.ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

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