異国迷路のクロワーゼ [ 湯音(東山 奈央)] 遠く君へ (高音質)

  1. 海よ 果ては どこどこへ

    つづいてるの あの国へ

    波間うかぶ 小さい舟

    ゆらりゆらり 流されて

    海のむこう 知らぬ国

    白波つれて 消えてった

    海よ 果てに なに見える

    可愛いきみの 笑ろたほほ

    山よ こえて どこどこへ

    つづいてるの あの国へ

    春はうすもも 夏は群青


    真白の冬 美し山

    季節はかけて かわりゆく

    山よ そこに いておくれ

    変わらず君に 見えるように

    空よ 果ては どこまでも

    つづいてるの あの国へ

    天にかかる 銀のはし

    ふぅわり ふぅわり わたろかな

    うすい青の 空の色

    可愛いきみの お瞳の色

    空よ 果てへ 澄みわたれ

    可愛い君が 泣かぬように

    はるか 遠くこの歌よ

    ひびいてゆけ あの国へ

    今も 思う 懐かしい

    可愛い君に 会うた日よ

    海をわたり 山をこえて

    きこえるだろか うたこえ

    天が 星が 歌うたう

    こころのせて かがやいて

    はるか 遠く この歌よ

    ひびいてゆけ あの国へ

  2. THE LYRIC was given by cicada300 in comments under the other video with this song but voiced by another girl (not Yuna) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1tZptKU0xI
    Croise in the Exotic Maze – Distant to You [Yune (Higashiyama Nao)]
    Oh, to what place does the sea stretch?
    It stretches on, to that country.

    Between the waves, a small boat

    is being swayed adrift.

    Beyond the sea is an unknown country.

    The boat disappeared into the white waves.

    Oh, what can be seen at the end of the sea?

    I can see your cute smile..

    Oh, to what place do the mountains stretch?

    They stretch on, to that country.

    Spring is light peach, summer ultramarine,

    and autumn is a bright red.

    Mountains are beautiful in the white winter.

    Seasons alternate around and around.

    Oh, would the mountains please stay put,

    so that they can stay visible to you?

    Oh, the vast sky stretches everywhere.

    It stretches on, to that country.

    Shall we cross that silvery bridge

    gently, gently, in the sky?

    The color of the faint cerulean sky

    is the same as the color of your lovely eyes.

    Oh, would the sky please clear completely,

    so that I can stay cute and not cry?

    This song of mine travels far and wide.

    Reaching all the way to that country.

    Even now, I still feel nostalgic thinking about

    the day when I met the lovely you.

    As it traverses the sea and crosses over the mountains

    Can you hear my song?

    The stars in the sky are singing my song.

    Carrying my thoughts, they sparkle.

    This song of mine travels far and wide.

    Reaching all the way to that country.

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